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Chapter 6 and Part of Chapter 8 homework.

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1 Chapter 6 and Part of Chapter 8 homework.
CHAPTER 6 Strayer Text Book HW Chapter 6 and Part of Chapter 8 homework.

DATE ASSIGNED APW 1 Homework Assignment : Strayer, Chapter 6 IMPORTANT NOTE: CHAPTER 6 HW FOLDERS WILL BE COLLECTED ON 1/2/19. The work that should be in the folder would have been completed prior to the winter break. Your job over the break is to organize your completed work chronologically in that folder. Lateness on 1/2/19 folder collection will earn a score of 0%. NOTE DUE DATE CHANGE: DUE BEGIN CHAPTER 6 HW. READ AND ANS. QUESTIONS ON THE CHAPTER 6 HANDOUTS THAT WILL BE DISTRIBUTED IN CLASS ON 12/12/18. (If you loose these, you can find them on my BXSCIENCE page in the APW1 folder. They will be saved as indicated below. These documents are: DBQ: CH’IN, HAN, MAURYA AND GUPTA EMPIRES; DBQ: ROMAN + PERSIAN EMPIRES DBQ: PERSIAN EMPIRE (This was completed in Chapter 4. It will be handed out to add to your C6 folder. DUE Strayer Book, read pp CHINA, Answer the following margin questions: (a) p. 238 Description: How would you characterize the social hierarchy of classical China? (b) p. 240 Change: What class conflicts disrupted Chinese society? (c) p. 246 Comparison: How did India’s caste system differ from China’s class system? (For this section, simply read paragraphs 1, 2, on p We covered caste, jati and Hinduism in Chapter 5) C5 TEST on 12-19 : CHAPTER 5 TEST DUE SUBMIT THIS TO TURNITIN ON THE 20TH. Strayer Book, read pp. 247 – 250. ROME. Answer the following Margin Questions + submit to ON TIME on : p. 247 Comparison: How did the inequities of slavery differ from those of caste? P. 249 Comparison. How did Greco-Roman slavery differ from that of other classical civilizations? DUE Strayer Book, read pp PATRIARCHIES. Answer the following Margin Questions: p. 252 Change: In what ways did the expression of Chinese patriarchy change over time, and why did it change? p. 255 Comparison: How did the patriarchies of Athens + Sparta compare? C6 Key Terms. Describe the significance each OF THE 14 TERMS. DUE C6 HW folders ALL OF THE ABOVE ASSIGNMENTS ( DBQS and text book assignments from up to and including ) should be organized and inside your homework folders. When you come to class, you are to hand in Chapter 6 homework folders.

3 CHAPTER 6 Strayer Text Book HW
Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment : Strayer, Chapter 6 start DUE 1/22/19 There will be an in-class essay chart and a peer assessment of that chart during the week of the 2nd. Due dates will be announced in class. Be certain to have your completed C6 homework folder on you on the 2nd. You will need to folder to do the essay chart. Your final essay must be submitted to by 9:00 a.m. on 1/22/19 1-3-19 Due DOCUMENTS: PP — Document 6.1: A male view of Chinese Women’s Lives—Fu Xuan “How sad it is to be a woman”—Answer on p. 263, questions (red box questions). Document 6.2: A Chinese Women’s Instruction to her daughters—Ban Zhao “Lessons for Women”—Answer these two questions: (1) How does this reflect Confucian principles? (2) How would she define an ideal man, woman, marriage? Document 6.3: An Alternative to Patriarchy in India—”Psalms of the Sisters”—Answer the 1st two red box questions on p. 267 and the last red box question on the same page. Document 6.4: Roman Women in Protest—Livy “History of Rome”—Answer , the 1st + last red box questions. READ WORD DOCUMENT IN APW1 FOLDER ENTITLED: APW1 C6 ROME _Caesar _ Augustus_ Constantine. Print out and answer all questions. Add this completed document to your homework folder. due 1-8-19 Go to the next slide for your Chapter 8 HW. It will be due on 1- CHAPTER 6 Strayer Text Book HW

4 CHAPTER 6 Strayer Text Book HW
Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment : Strayer, Chapter 8 HW BELOW due 1-8-19 Chapter 8. Answer the following Margin questions(pp ). You can hand-write your answers to these question but be certain to write your answers in pen. Answers must be completed and in HW folder on due date. p. 336: CHANGE, What lay behind the emergence of Silk Road commerce…; p. 338: CONNECTION, What were the major economic, social and cultural consequences of Silk Road commerce? p. 340: CONNECTION: “What was the impact of disease along the Silk Roads?” p. 341: COMPARISON, “How did the operation of the Indian Ocean trading network differ from that of the Silk Roads?” Finish in-class 4 question handout on the Silk Roads. due 1-9-19 Chapter 8. Answer the following Margin questions(pp ). You can hand-write your answers to these question but be certain to write your answers in pen. Answers must be completed and in HW folder on due date. P. 344: CHANGE, “What lay behind the flourishing of Indian Ocean commerce in the post –classical millennium?” P. 344, CONNECTION: “What is the relationship between the rise of Srivivijaya and the world of Indian Ocean commerce?” P. 346, CONNECTION, “What was the role of Swahili civilization in the word of Indian Ocean commerce?” COMPLETE TODAY’S IN-CLASS HANDOUT. Began Due 1/22/19 SUBMIT YOUR 3 BODY PARAGRAPH ESSAY to by 9:00 a.m. on 1/22/19. From 1/15/19 – 1/18/18 we will prepare for our final exam. The final exam will be given on the week of The school will post the exam date on its monthly calendar. This midyear will cover Chapters 1-6 and the first part of Chapter 8. Go to C8 PPT FOR FURTHER CHAPTER 8 HW WHICH WILL BE DUE ON THE FIRST DAY BACK FROM EXAMS 1/29/19. CHAPTER 6 Strayer Text Book HW

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