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Arolygiad Estyn o’r Rhanbarth Estyn Inspection of the Region

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1 Arolygiad Estyn o’r Rhanbarth Estyn Inspection of the Region
Briffiad / Briefing #2

2 2014 Meysydd allweddol i’w datblygu
Defnydd cyson o dempledi ar gyfer cynllunio, gwerthuso a gweithredu Ail-lunio’r Ysgol Gymorth yn unol â Chategoreiddio Cenedlaethol Pontio o Arweinwyr Systemau i Ymgynghorwyr Her Rhaglen DPP effeithiol i arweinwyr ysgolion ac Ymgynghorwyr Her Eglurder o ran atebolrwydd, rolau a chyfrifoldebau gan gynnwys craffu ac archwilio Trefniadau effeithiol o ran hunanwerthusoyn bwydo’r Cynllun Busnes Cyfathrebu effeithiol a rheolaidd â phenaethiaid Trefniadau cadarn o ran atebolrwydd a sicrhau ansawdd Gofynion adnoddau dynol ar gyfer gwella ysgolion. Key areas for development Consistent use of templates for planning, evaluation and implementation Reshaped Ladder of Support in line with National Categorisation Bridging from System Leader to Challenge Adviser Effective CPD programme for school leaders and Challenge Advisers Clarity on accountability, roles and responsibilities including scrutiny and audit. Effective arrangements for self-evaluation feeding into the Business Plan Regular effective communication with headteachers Robust accountability and quality assurance arrangements HR requirements for school improvement.

3 2015 Meysydd allweddol i’w datblygu
Amrywiad rhwng ysgolion ac o fewn ysgolion; Ymgorffori cymorth ysgol-i-ysgol; Cyfathrebu effeithiol rheolaidd â rhanddeiliaid, gan gynnwys undebau llafur; Trefniadau sicrhau ansawdd cadarn; Barnu a chyflwyno gwerth am arian; Key areas for development Inter and intra-school variation; Embedding school-to-school support; Regular effective communication with stakeholders, including trade unions; Robust quality assurance arrangements; Judging and presenting value for money

4 2016 Meysydd allweddol i’w datblygu Diwallu anghenion unigol ysgolion
Ymateb i sefyllfaoedd critigol mewn nifer bach o ysgolion Mireinio trefniadau sicrhau ansawdd Ymyriadau ffocysedig manwl Adeiladu capasiti arweinyddiaeth System hunanwella Cymorth i Sir Benfro Key areas for development Meeting bespoke needs of individual schools Responding to critical situations in a few schools Refining quality assurance arrangements Detailed focused interventions Building leadership capacity Self improving system Support for Pembrokeshire

5 Trywyddau Ymholi/ Lines of Enquiry 1
Gwerth am arian? Cynaliadwyedd cyllid grant? Dosrannu adnoddau? Capasiti’r tîm canolog? Value for money? Sustainability of grant funding? Allocation of resources? Capacity of central team?

6 Cymorth Ariannol i ERW ac Awdurdodau Lleol yn ystod 2014-2015
Awdurdod Lleol Cymorth Ariannol i ERW Cymorth fel % Swm yr Arian Grant a gafwyd gan ERW a drosglwyddwyd i awdurdodau lleol Arian a gafwyd fel % Sir Gaerfyrddin £52,500 21.0% £6,423,569 19.4% Ceredigion £17,500 7.0% £2,445,747 7.4% Castell-nedd Port Talbot £37,500 15.0% £6,047,111 18.2% Sir Benfro £35,000 14.0% £4,694,628 14.2% Powys £40,000 16.0% £3,817,563 11.5% Abertawe £67,500 27.0% £8,955,244 ERW £759,627 2.3% Cyfanswm £250,000 100.0% £33,143,489

7 Cymorth Ariannol i ERW ac Awdurdodau Lleol yn ystod 2015-2016
Awdurdod Lleol Cymorth Ariannol i ERW Cymorth fel % Swm yr Arian Grant a gafwyd gan ERW a drosglwyddwyd i awdurdodau lleol Arian a gafwyd fel % Sir Gaerfyrddin £52,500 21.0% £6,423,569 19.4% Ceredigion £17,500 7.0% £2,445,747 7.4% Castell-nedd Port Talbot £37,500 15.0% £6,047,111 18.2% Sir Benfro £35,000 14.0% £4,694,628 14.2% Powys £40,000 16.0% £3,817,563 11.5% Abertawe £67,500 27.0% £8,955,244 ERW £759,627 2.3% Cyfanswm £250,000 100.0% £33,143,489

8 Cyfanswm dyraniadau’r GGA gan gynnwys arian cyfatebol 2015-2016
Awdurdod Lleol Cyfanswm y Grant a Roddwyd (gan gynnwys Arian Cyfatebol) Sir Gaerfyrddin £8,863,758 Ceredigion £3,542,932 Castell-nedd Port Talbot £6,469,415 Sir Benfro £5,967,057 Powys £6,419,084 Abertawe £11,185,725 ERW £841,722 Cyfanswm £43,289,743

9 Cyfraddau Dirprwyo ERW
Yn , cyfradd ddirprwyo ERW i awdurdodau lleol oedd 97.7% Yn , cyfradd ddirprwyo ERW i ysgolion oedd 96% Cyfraddau Dirprwyo Y gyfradd ddirprwyo amcangyfrifedig a gynigir o ran cyfran ERW o’r Grant Gwella Addysg yw 96% o leiaf Cyfanswm grantiau canolog eraill ERW ar hyn o bryd yw £1.5 miliwn

10 Trywyddau Ymholi/ Lines of Enquiry 2
Cryfderau a gwendidau perfformiad? Perfformiad disgyblion sy’n gymwys i gael prydau ysgol am ddim Diwallu anghenion pob Awdurdod Lleol? Perfformiad ysgolion uwchradd Cyngor Sir Penfro? Strengths and weakness of performance ? E-fsm performance Meet the needs of each LA? Performance of secondary schools in PCC? Purpose: to remind, consolidate, affirm remind about where yield is

11 Sir Benfro / Pembrokeshire
Comparisons – other region – from Gwion

12 Trywyddau Ymholi/ Lines of Enquiry 3
Archwiliad Sgiliau Hyfforddiant i Ymgynghorwyr Her Cysondeb Canfyddiadau’r Ymgynghorwyr Her Arweinyddiaeth – capasiti a gwytnwch Skills audit Training for Challenge Advisers Consistency Perceptions of Challenge Advisers Leadership – capacity and resilience

13 Trywyddau Ymholi/ Lines of Enquiry 4
Eglurder o ran llywodraethu? Rheoli perfformiad? Cynllunio busnes Strwythur? System ysgolion sy’n hunanwella? Cymorth cwricwlaidd?t Clarity of governance ? Performance management? Business planning Structure? Self improving school system? Curricular support?t

14 Trywyddau ymholi/ Lines of enquiry 3
Sut rydym yn herio ysgolion o ran y Grant Amddifadedd Disgyblion? Sut rydym yn penderfynu ar gymorth? Cymorth cwricwlaidd ehangach? Sut rydym yn delio ag ysgolion sy’n peri pryder? Categoreiddio? Ysgol-i-ysgol yn y fwydlen gymorth? How do we challenge schools on PDG? How do we decide on support? Wider curricular support? How do we deal with schools causing concern? Categorisation? School to school in menu of support?

15 Trywyddau ymholi/ Lines of enquiry 3
Working with other regions? Local collaboration? Partnership working? Gweithio gyda rhanbarthau eraill? Cydweithredu lleol? Gweithio mewn partneriaeth?

16 Materion Gweithredol sy’n Weddill Remaining Operational Issues 
Gweithgorau – Cadeiryddion; Presenoldeb; Atebolrwydd; Cyfrifoldeb; Cytundeb Llwyth gwaith a chapasiti Dyblygu a diogelu Cyfathrebu Working groups – Chairs; Attendance; Accountability; Responsibility; Agreement Workload & capacity Duplication & protection Communication

17 Strategaeth ERW / ERW Strategy
Sicrhau perfformiad effeithiol yn yr holl ysgolion Herio perfformiad ysgolion a’r deilliannau a gyflawnir gan ddysgwyr yn gadarn ac yn gyson Defnyddio system wahaniaethol o gymorth proffesiynol i ysgolion yn unol â’r angen trwy fframwaith categoreiddio y cytunir arno’n genedlaethol Cefnogi strategaethau i ddatblygu sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd y dysgwyr Gwella deilliannau i ddysgwyr dan anfantais Hwyluso cymorth ysgol-i-ysgol effeithiol er mwyn gwella perfformiad a deilliannau Rheoli a defnyddio ymgynghorwyr her hyfforddedig i herio perfformiad a brocera cymorth pwrpasol This is where ambitions for school improvement are operationalized into the regional strategy. Strategy sets out key criteria which drives the business s plan Bringing together the local eeds (next slide) and regioanl stratgey South West and Mid Wales Cosortium

18 Cynllun Busnes /Business Plan
3 Blaenoriaeth Strategol 3 Strategic Priorities Arwain Dysgu Addysgu a Dysgu Cymorth ar gyfer Dysgu 16 Ffrwd waith Leading Learning Teaching and Learning Support for Learning 16 Workstreams

19 This has changed in BP use that version
South West and Mid Wales Cosortium


21 Page 16 of BP

22 Camau Nesaf Next Steps Mân welliannau - Marginal gains Mireinio - Refining Manylion - Details Cyflymder - Pace Ffocws - Focus Dadansoddi - Analysis Cydweithredu - Collaboration Gwerthuso - Evaluation The main messages emerging from our analysis of data, self evaluation and feedback from key stakeholders is – Keep going – you are doing the right things, We are having an impact on learner outcomes and sustaining improvement where it is needed. But the road is a long one with further improvements required, impacting ultimately on learner life chances. Narrative – we are refining and focusing now on key areas of need, recognising that we have areas of weakness to taregt, but also that some of our schools have reached a ceiling/ or close to that ceiling and that the challenge is to maintain and sustain the work/ outcomes. I refer to marginal gains and we have had to make some tweaks to graphs ect to show impact as the gains are on occasion small but important Clear instructions so we will cover ..... Main issues arising from data ( me to include more than one year because better and fuler picture) How does this link to our plans & national priorities – i hope that this will come through How do we plan for and respond to LA needs On occasion I will ask colleagues to talk through the slides – generally you should find that we come back to these themes noted here throughout the short presentation

23 Kayne West is best Think of solutions to problems Consider what you can do better How can you share your thoughts constructively

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