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Welcome to Mrs. C. Smith’s Reading and Writing Classes!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. C. Smith’s Reading and Writing Classes!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. C. Smith’s Reading and Writing Classes!

2 Welcome to Reading Literacy!
Course Description: The Reading Literacy class is designed to improve your reading skills. The overall goal is to help you become a literate, successful, and lifelong learner.

3 Reading Literacy The main skills we will focus on are reading vocabulary, comprehension and fluency. Most of our activities will be literature-based, following the curriculum of the 7th grade reading classes. Other activities will be skills-based, according the student needs.

4 Reading Literacy Books we may study include: Mythology
The Outsiders or Crash (Coming of Age) The Trial (Lindbergh Trial) The Giver by Lois Lowry or Among the Hidden (coming of age/ dystopian society) Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (1930’s and ’40’s in America) Alternative books may be used instead

5 Reading- Expectations
Every day, you are expected to: Arrive to class on time and be ready to work hard Be prepared with your materials (pencil, notebook, homework, assignment book, etc.) Maintain your notebook Work to the best of your ability Encourage your classmates Contribute to the academic tenor of the class

6 Reading Literacy Grading:
The following components will determine your grade: Attendance and Participation Work (in-class and homework) Quizzes Reading Tests (including projects, reflections, and notebook)

7 Reading Literacy Items you will need for class:
3-ring binder with separators Assignment book Pencil and pen

8 Writing Literacy Course Description:
This class is designed to improve your writing skills. We will accomplish this by focusing on: Basic writing skills (grammar, usage, mechanics) using DOLs and elements of the Framing Your Thoughts writing program Paragraph writing (single-, three- and five- paragraph essays, cause and effect, narrative, open response, persuasive, informational, research, etc.)

9 Writing Literacy Every day, you are expected to:
Arrive to class on time and be ready to work hard Be prepared with your materials (pencil, notebook, homework, assignment book, etc.) Maintain your notebook Work to the best of your ability Encourage your classmates Contribute to the academic tenor of the class

10 Writing Literacy The following components will determine your grade:
Attendance and Participation Work (in-class and homework) Quizzes Writing Tests (including essays, journals, notebook)

11 Writing Literacy Items you will need for class:
3-ring binder with separators Assignment book Pencil and pen Composition book for journal writing

12 Mrs. C. Smith’s Reading and Writing Classes
Teacher contact information: (908) x 289 Homework is posted on-line at the Readington Middle School Site

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