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Sub cortical Brain Structures

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1 Sub cortical Brain Structures
Sub cortical - underneath the cortex

2 Organization of the Brain

3 Organization of Hindbrain

4 The Parts of the Hindbrain
Medulla- Regulates unconscious functions Involuntary breathing, heart rate & blood pressure

5 Cerebellum Small protrusion above medulla
Function- Coordinates the smooth movement of fine muscles and balance Cat Love Ex- playing piano or tracking with eyes

6 Teen Brain-Cerebellum (You don’t understand 6min)
Frontline 0Inside the teen Brain clip

7 Organization of Forebrain ( also cerebrum i.e. lobes)

8 Hypothalamus Nuclei involved in a variety of behaviors sexual behavior
hunger, thirst Sleep body temperature regulation The hypothalamus is made up different subregions or nuclei. These nuclei generally differ in terms of gross anatomy and funtion. Sexual behavior: The medial preoptic and medial anterior hypothalamic nuclei of the hypothalamus are heavily involved in mating behaviors of animals. Damage to these areas results in a loss of mating behaviors. Electrical stimulation of these areas (or insertion of sex hormones in these areas) can elicit sexual behaviors. Hunger: Lesions to the hypothalamus can lead to severe obesity or extreme weight loss, depending upon the region damaged. Thirst: Electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus can cause an animal to start drinking even in animals that have plenty of water in their systems. Neurons in the supraoptic nucleus of the hyopthalamus are sensitive to changes in the osmolarity of blood. These neurons control the secretion of vasopression, which is more commonly known as "anti-diuretic hormone" or ADH. ADH acts in the kidney to increase fluid retention. Sleep: Temperature regulation: Your body tries to keep the same body temperature regardless of how hot or cold it is outside. The hypothalamus helps maintain a contstant body temeprature. Hypothalamus contains temperature-sensitive neurons. Neurons in the posterior hypothalamus become active when you are cold; whereas, heat activates the anterior hypothalamus. Changes in body temperature can cause the hypothalumus to initate such behaviors as shivering, hunger, adrenaline secretion and fever to help you get back to the proper body temeperature. Circadian rhythms: the suprachiasmatic nucleus (or SCN) of the hypothaamlus is thought to be involved in regulating the body's natural 24 hour rhythms.

9 Thalamus Thalamus directs sensory information from the touch receptors to the cerebrum. Exception is smell ( 1:00 min)

10 Organization of Limbic System

11 Amygdala Inputs come from all senses
Amygdala ‘reads’ emotional significance of inputs Output influences such functions as heart rate, adrenaline release Amygdala key words: amygdala; emotion; limbic system

12 Amygdala and Emotion Amygdala interprets facial expression
Aggression in Monkeys & Cats (Anderson,2000) Amygdala damage makes this task difficult

13 Amygdala in teens Frontline Teen Brain

14 Hippocampus Important in forming new memories Case of Jeremy You tube
Olive Wearing ( no short term) key words: hippocampus; new memories; limbic system; anterograde amnesia

15 Brain Review Which chemicals pass across the synaptic gap and increase the potential the next neuron will fire? A. Synaptic terminals B. Inhibitory NTS C. Excitatory NTs D. Potassium & Sodium

16 The three main categories that organize the entire brain are the
A. old brain, new brain and cerbral cortex B. Lower , Middle & Upper Brain C. Hindbrain, Midbrain & Forebrain D. Neurons, Synapse & Cerebral Cortex

17 Which sentence best describes Neural transmission?
A. An action potential is created in the neuron, the charge travel down the axon, and chemicals are releases the cross the synapse. B. Neurotransmission is an electrochemical process both inside and outside the cell. C. NTs in hindbrain are transmitted to forebrain, causing an axon potential in cortex

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