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PROPERTIES OF WATER Presentation by: Ms. Diaz.

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Presentation on theme: "PROPERTIES OF WATER Presentation by: Ms. Diaz."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROPERTIES OF WATER Presentation by: Ms. Diaz

2 Water is: tasteless odorless colorless liquid

3 What are the properties of water?

4 If you said, you are correct!
Water is: tasteless odorless colorless liquid

5 The 3 States of Water: Liquid solid (ice) and gas (steam)

6 Water as a Liquid The definition of a liquid is matter (something)
which has a definite volume and no definite shape. A liquid takes the shape of its container. In a liquid, molecules move and slide around each other.    

7 Liquid water is found in many places
You see liquid water coming out of the faucet, when it rains, and running in a river..

8 Water as a Solid   When something is solid, like steel, rock, or ice, it is stiff. It does not change shape easily, and it does not generally change size. In fact, that is the definition of a solid: matter (something) which has a definite volume and a definite shape.  

9 Ice, snow, and frost are examples of water in the solid state.
During Winter, we see a lot of water in solid form. Other examples of solid water are ice cubes, icicles, ice on a skating rink.

10 What instrument do you use to measure temperature?

11 What instrument do you use to measure temperature?

12 What instrument do you use to measure temperature?
Liquid water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius. Celsius is scale that measures temperature.

13 Water As Gas Though it is pictured here in pink, gas is generally invisible. Water in the liquid state may change to water in the gaseous state. Water evaporates and turns into a gas.

14 You cannot see gas, but sometimes you can hear and smell it
You cannot see gas, but sometimes you can hear and smell it. What are some ways that you can hear or smell a gas? A gas like oxygen, or steam can expand to fill any space If you open a balloon, and let the air out the it goes everywhere in the room.

15 Gases are: [sometimes] colorless [sometimes] odorless
Gas is matter which has no definite volume AND no definite shape

16 Group/Partner Work

17 Homework

18 Fun Sheet

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