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Maximizing Your SI Attendance by Working Closely with Your Leader

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing Your SI Attendance by Working Closely with Your Leader"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing Your SI Attendance by Working Closely with Your Leader
FLEX Workshop by Eileen Pierce August 14, L-149, 5:00-6:15

2 Attendance at SI Sessions
What factors lead to HIGH attendance? What factors lead to LOW attendance?

3 Many factors contribute to student involvement in SI, but a key factor is…

4 Pair up and make a list for each:
Characteristics of an effective Instructor-SI Leader Relationship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Characteristics of an ineffective Instructor-SI Leader Relationship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

5 Crucially, how students perceive your level of teamwork will impact their attendance at sessions!

6 Handout: Recipe for a Successful SI Relationship (Instructor & Leader)
Let’s read through the 7 elements together. Then work with someone near you to answer the questions at the bottom of the handout.

7 Start off with clear communication:
1st 30-minute meeting—lay the foundation for a successful semester. See the handout SI Leader-Instructor 1st Meeting, Important Points to Be Clarified. Pair up and assume role of Instructor vs Leader. Instructor takes notes for each question on handout depending on SI Leader’s responses.

8 What stood out to you? Why?

9 Suggested Format for Weekly Meetings with Leader
Important to stay in touch with Leader regularly 30 minutes minimum of meeting time weekly Use suggested format on handout as a guideline as to what to discuss

10 Parting quote… "The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership." --Harvey Firestone

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