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10.5 – NOTES Fucntional Groups

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1 10.5 – NOTES Fucntional Groups

2 C.6 Builder Molecules Containing Oxygen
Functional group An atom or group of atoms that give characteristic properties to organic compounds R represents the rest of the molecule joined to the functional group

3 Alcohols Functional group- OH, hydroxyl group Don’t confuse with hydroxide, found in bases General formula- R - OH Naming Name the carbon chain as an alkane Take off the –e at the end Add the ending –ol Add a number if necessary, indicating the location of the functional group. Examples Ethanol

4 Aldehydes General formula- R - CHO Naming Name the carbon chain as an alkane Take off the –e at the end Add the ending –al There are no numbers present Examples

5 Carboxylic acids General formula- R - COOH Naming Name the carbon chain as an alkane Take off the –e at the end Add –oic acid to the end No numbers present Examples

6 Esters General formula- R – COO – R’   Fragrance Naming Name the side without the double bonded oxygen first Find the prefix for the number of carbons Add the ending –yl to the prefix Name the side with the double bond last Name the alkane chain Remove the –e Add the ending –oate No numbers Examples - next page!

7 Examples

8 methoxyethane ethoxypropane
Ethers General formula – R – O – R’ Naming Find the shortest chain of carbons Find the prefix for the number of carbons Add the ending –oxy Name the largest chain as an alkane and put the two parts together No numbers Examples  methoxyethane ethoxypropane

9 2 – pentanone 2 - butanone Ketones General formula – R – C – O – R’
Naming Name the alkane chain Remove the –e at the end Add the ending –one Number the location of the functional group if there are more than 4 carbons in the chain Examples 2 – pentanone butanone

10 C.7 Condensation Polymers
Formed by water forming from 2 molecules combining Example- PET used in soft drink bottles May be broken down chemically and used as another source of builder molecules

11 Condensation of Nylon

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