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Memahami Kualiti Untuk Memimpin Perubahan Pengurusan Akademik IPT

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1 Memahami Kualiti Untuk Memimpin Perubahan Pengurusan Akademik IPT
Seminar Pengurusan Akademik IPT Langkawi Ogos Syed Ahmad Hussein Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia

2 A necessary precondition in fulfilling the seven thrusts in Malaysia’s National Higher Education Strategic Plan is that of assuring, ensuring and enhancing quality. From issues of capacity, equity and access to that of innovation and re energizing Malaysian higher education, the core element cutting across them all is that of quality. The challenge of leading and managing change in higher education is one of understanding and appreciating quality and quality assuring processes.

3 Quality conversations in Malaysia became most urgent following the policy decision for the massification of higher education in the mid 1990s that saw the enormous growth of public and private institutions of higher learning.

4 In the last two decades, Malaysian higher education has gone through a metamorphosis. Parallel with the migration of its colonial economy to technology intensive growth generation, higher education was transformed from “small, exclusive and elitist” to “big, inclusive and common”, from “selected few” gaining entry in 1975 to almost 40% in 2008, from an “isolated village” to an “international meeting place of the minds”.

5 From “fit of purpose” to “fit for specified purpose”.
Measuring Quality: From “fit of purpose” to “fit for specified purpose”.

6 Areas of Evaluation in Quality Assurance Exercise
The Nine Areas in MQA’s Code of Practice: Vision, Mission, Educational Goals and Learning Outcomes Curriculum Design and Delivery Student Assessment Student Selection and Support Services Academic Staff Educational Resources Program Monitoring and Review Leadership, Governance and Administration Continual Quality Improvement

7 Areas of Evaluation in Quality Assurance Exercise
The four Standards of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC): Defining Institutional Purposes and Ensuring Educational Objectives Achieving Educational Objectives through: Teaching and Learning Scholarship and Creative Activity Support for Student Learning Developing and Applying Resources and Organizational Structures to Ensure Sustainability Creating an Organization Committed to Learning and Improvement

8 The administrator plays a key role in all these (nine or four) standards, but most so in the area of learner support services that range from accommodation, health and financial services to counseling, learner access to information and records security. Learner support services is increasingly seen as crucial to educational effectiveness in a learner-centered environment that emphasizes learning outcomes.

9 To understand and to lead changes in higher education is to understand and appreciate the quality assurance and enhancement processes. MQA has been given the responsibility in quality assuring Malaysian higher education. Code of Practice for Institutional Audit (COPIA) and Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA).

10 MQA looks forward to discuss and exchange ideas on COPPA and COPIA -- and on quality assurance processes generally -- with all interested parties in the higher education fraternity, not least with the managers and administrators of institutions of higher learning.

11 Thank you..

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