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Emergency Response American Red Cross Instructor: Joel Bass MS ATC

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Presentation on theme: "Emergency Response American Red Cross Instructor: Joel Bass MS ATC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergency Response American Red Cross Instructor: Joel Bass MS ATC
USDOT First Responder Curriculum

2 Lifting and Moving

3 Role Of The First Responder
Sometimes a victim must be rescued from a dangerous situation before care can be given. Always check a vehicle to stabilize it before providing care. Always attempt to access the victim in the vehicle by using the simplest approach of trying all doors and windows first. Always wear protective equipment, such as a helmet, gloves, and protective eyewear, to keep you safe. Several methods of moving a victim can be done simply and with little danger to you or the victim. Sometimes you may have to use/assist EMS personnel in lifting and moving.

4 Body Mechanics/Lifting Techniques
Basic Guidelines for Moving Victims Only move a victim you can safely handle. Bend at knees and hips Lift with your legs, not your back Take short steps Move forward when possible Look where you are walking Protect victim’s head, neck, and back.

5 Emergency Moves Clothes drag Blanket drag Shoulder drag
Pack-strap carry Never pull the victim’s head away from the neck and shoulders

6 Emergency Moves You will be placed into small groups and given an emergency move. You must teach the class the move and demonstrate it to class. Walking assist (2-3) Pack-strap carry Two-person seat carry (3 people) Clothes drag Blanket drag Foot drag

7 Shoulder Pull = Clothes drag






13 Types-of-emergency-non-emergency-moves-flash-cards/

14 Blanket drag

15 Putting It All Together

16 You Are The Responder Divide up in 4 groups
Each group will be given a scenario Formulate a response to the emergency situation. Demonstrate any previously learned skills that would be required as an effective response. You may also use a skill you have not learned and may explain the skill rather than demonstrate it.

17 Scenario 1 Your are summoned to respond to a call for injuries from a fall. You arrive to find a child lying motionless on the ground. He had fallen from a third-story window. Two women are standing by the fallen child. One women rushes to you and starts to tell you that if happened 10 minutes ago. Another woman, the child’s mother, is kneeling next to the child crying and screaming. It appears the child is dead. As you try to get close to the child, the mother refuses to let you near, screaming at you to stay away. How do you respond?

18 Scenario 2 A vehicle has struck a pedestrian. The victim is lying motionless in the street, bleeding from a wound on the thigh. Bystanders are surrounding the car, claiming the driver had started to drive away. The driver is still in the car. He is shouting out the window and looks extremely upset. How do you respond?

19 Scenario 3 You and another rescuer are searching for a missing hiker. You find the victim at the bottom of a dry gully where he fell and injured one leg. He is in severe pain and unable to walk. The sides of the gully are steep. You can see a rapidly approaching storm and realize that it is going to rain shortly and the gully will flood. How do you respond?

20 Scenario 4 You arrive at a scene where a man is lying on the sidewalk. One leg appears to be bleeding, but not profusely. He is very pale and is breathing heavily, but he is conscious and able to speak, although he appears to be in pain. When you approach him, he waves you off and yells at you to go away. When you explain who you are and that you are trained and want to help him, he says he doesn’t want any help. His friends will take care of him. How do you respond?

21 Chapter 2 Review

22 Plan of Action

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