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Senior Capstone Project

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1 Senior Capstone Project
Burke County High School

2 Purpose The purpose of the Capstone project is to provide students with the opportunity to apply the skills they have learned throughout their high school careers. All Burke County seniors (not in an AP Lit class or MOWR) will be required to complete the Capstone project as a graduation requirement. The Senior Project grade will account for 20% of the student’s final English grade and will replace the final exam in their English classes .

3 Components There are 4 main components of the Capstone that will be graded by your child’s Senior English teacher. Research Paper Product Portfolio Presentation

4 Research Paper Students will be required to research and document information on a subject of their choice. As part of their research, students must obtain a mentor who will assist in advising throughout the project. Students will draft an 8-10 page research paper to prove their knowledge on the subject and to show what they have learned from their time spent with their mentor.

5 Product Students will be required to apply the information they have gained through their research to manufacture a product. A student’s product may be a physical product, a performance or demonstration, or a service to the community. There must be a clear relationship between the student’s research and their product.

6 Portfolio Students will be required to submit a portfolio containing the documents that demonstrate their journey throughout the project. This portfolio includes personal notes, photographs taken, time logs with mentors, journal entries, letters, the research paper, etc.

7 Presentation Students will be required to present their project before a panel of judges. Students will deliver a speech between minutes detailing the specifics of their project, their product, and what they have learned in the process. Students will be assigned a date and time for their presentations well in advance.

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