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Wednesday, December 12, 2018 Procedure: Warm-Up:

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, December 12, 2018 Procedure: Warm-Up:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, December 12, 2018 Procedure: Warm-Up:
You need out: probably just a pencil. Grab a blank piece of paper from the front and on it, write EVERYTHING you’re interested in. Fill it up. Sky’s the limit. Everything you enjoy doing. Everything you want to know more about. Everyone you’re passionate about. Everything you’re proud of.



4 What is the MYP Community Project?


6 let’s look at how the outcome will be graded.
Before we get started, let’s look at how the outcome will be graded. The rubric is towards the end of the project guide.


8 How can we turn these ideas into service projects?


10 Take a minute to fill out Page 4 of your blue Process Journal.

11 FIND YOUR PEOPLE! Use what you’re interested in to find ONE or TWO other people to work with. This should be based on interest, not friendship – don’t get stuck with a project you’re not interested in!

12 You have your people? Cool.
You each need to work on filling out Page 3 of your Process Journal. This is how you will handle absences and get in contact with each other while you’re doing your service projects outside of school.

13 Read Page 7 of your Project Guide.
Fill out Page 5 of your Process Journal.

14 Look at Page 8 of your Project Guide.
Fill out Page 9 of your Process Journal.

15 Still on Page 8 of your Project Guide...
…but working on Page 10 of your Process Journal.

16 If you need them, Global Contexts are on Page 9 of your Project Guide.
Also look at Page 11of your Process Journal.

17 Page 10 of your Project Guide pretty much says it all.
It corresponds with Pages 12 and 13 of your Process Journal.

18 Page 11 of your Project Guide is here for reference.
Check out Page 12 of your Project Guide.

19 After meeting with your teacher, look at Page 14 of your Process Journal.

20 Consider the information on Pages 13 and 14 of your Project Guide.

21 Page 15 of your Project Guide is designed to help guide your research.
Pages of your Process Journal are there for your research – make sure you CITE YOUR SOURCES!

22 You’re going to need to fill out Page 19 of your Process Journal.

23 …with help from Pages 15, 16 and 17 of your Project Guide.

24 This corresponds with Page 20 of your Process Journal.
If you are ready, and you’ve confirmed with your teacher, you may move on to the planning phase on Page 18 of your Project Guide. This corresponds with Page 20 of your Process Journal.

25 This corresponds with Page 21 of your Process Journal.
Pages 19 and 20 of your Project Guide assist you with writing your mission statement and ultimately your Proposal for Action and Contract, which need to be submitted to your mentor teacher (on a separate sheet of paper), to be signed off on.. This corresponds with Page 21 of your Process Journal.

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