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Presentation on theme: "IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER"— Presentation transcript:

DCN: xx Title: , Session #25, Orlando Closing Plenary Date Submitted: Jan, 2008 Presented at IEEE session #25 Orlando Authors or Source(s):   Vivek Gupta Abstract: Closing Plenary

2 IEEE 802.21 presentation release statements
This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual < and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development

3 Agenda 802.21 Specification Timeline SB Comment Resolution Update
Election Update Ad hoc teleconference update Liaison update (802.11, , IETF) Future Locations

4 Revised 802.21 Timeline (July 2007)
IEEE ECSG formed – March 2003 IEEE WG formed – March 2004 Requirements development – September 2004 Call for Proposals – October 2004 Harmonized Single Proposal Confirmed by the WG – May 2005 Ongoing WG Comment Resolution started – July 2005 WG Comment Resolution completed – January 2006 Start of WG Letter Ballot – March 2006 Start of IEEE 802 Sponsor Ballot –(July-07) IEEE 802 Draft Standard sent to RevCom – March 2008 Ongoing Interaction with Other Standards Organization (3GPP, 3GPP2, IETF, , , 802.3) - adoption of it depends on the timeline of work items within these groups

5 Revised 802.21 Timeline (March 2008)
IEEE ECSG formed – March 2003 IEEE WG formed – March 2004 Requirements development – September 2004 Call for Proposals – October 2004 Harmonized Single Proposal Confirmed by the WG – May 2005 Ongoing WG Comment Resolution started – July 2005 WG Comment Resolution completed – January 2006 Start of WG Letter Ballot – March 2006 Start of IEEE 802 Sponsor Ballot –(July-07) IEEE 802 Draft Standard sent to RevCom – July 2008 Ongoing Interaction with Other Standards Organization (3GPP, 3GPP2, IETF, , , 802.3) - adoption of it depends on the timeline of work items within these groups

6 Start of IEEE 802 Sponsor Ballot – (July 2007)
Plan to meet Timeline Start of IEEE 802 Sponsor Ballot – (July 2007) For RevCom Approval in March 2008 => Draft Approval Rating > 90% (minimum), preferably >95% SB: Starts Aug-17, Ends Sept 16: Return Ratio: 78% Approval Ratio 62% Comment Resolution for SB #1 (Sep-Nov) =>Recirculation SB Recirc #1 (recirculation 15 days): Starts Dec-20, Ends Jan-09: Return Ratio: 83%, Approval Ratio: 83% Comment Resolution for SB #1 (Jan meeting) =>Recirculation SB Recirc #2 (recirculation 15 days): Starts Feb 05, Ends Feb 22: Return Ratio: 84%, Approval Ratio: 88% Comment Resolution for SB #1 (Feb Adhoc/March) => RevCom Approval SB Recirc #3 (recirculation 15 days): Starts April ??, Ends April ??: Return Ratio: ??%, Approval Ratio: ??% Comment Resolution for SB #3 (May) => RevCom Approval

7 SB Recirculation-2 Voting Summary
No of Members: 165 Received Votes: 140 Approve: Disapprove: Abstain: Approval ratio = 112/(15+112) = 0.88 Return ratio = 140/165 = 0.84

8 SB Recirc-2 Comment Resolution Progress
Section Resolved # Total Comments 1-4 7 5 17 6 15 50 8 46 Annex 118 Total: 253 Comments Includes Editorials (Total: 67)

9 3GPP Update SA2 for Rel-8: 24.302 (ANDSF Concept) CT1: 24.301 24.302
ANDSF accepted in home PLMN Visited PLMN to be considered for Rel-9 Contributions from ALU, Motorola and others at Athens meeting CT1: 24.301 24.302 Has more updates on ANDSF Few contributions 24.303

10 March-2008 Chair Election Vivek Gupta : 34 Abstain: 0

11 March 2008 Vice Chair Election
Michael Williams: 11 Subir Das: 26

12 WG Motions

13 May 2008 Interim Meeting Motion the WG to hold the interim meeting in May-2008 with or without the quorum Moved By: Ronny Seconded By: Junghoon Yes: 21 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Result: Motion Passes

14 Updated Draft D9.2 Motion the WG to direct the WG Editor to produce an updated draft D9.2 based on all comments resolved as part of SB-2 Re-circulation (as described in Commentary file _SB_Recirc_2_Comments.usr) and post it to the web site Moved By: Qiaobing Seconded By: Marc Yes: 21 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Result: Motion Passes

15 WG LB on Draft D9.2 Motion the WG to conduct a 10 day WG LB to approve draft D9.2 and produce draft D10.0 based on received comments related to Tony Jeffree’s comments in SB Recirculation-2. Moved By: Michael Seconded By: Subir Yes: 23 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Result: Motion Passes

16 Authorize 802.21 SB Recirculation
Motion the WG to authorize a SB Recirculation of draft D10.0 in April 2008 Moved By: Scott Seconded By: Junghoon Yes: 22 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Result: Motion Passes

17 Handovers with Broadcast Technologies SG Motion
Motion the WG to form a SG to examine issues related to supporting handovers with broadcast technologies Moved by: Burak Simsek Seconded by: Juan Carlos Yes: 13 No: 2 Abstain: 04 Result: Motion Passes

18 Emergency Services SG Motion
Motion the WG to form an ES SG to address Emergency Services issues in IEEE 802 networks Moved by: Michael Williams Seconded by: Reijo Salminen Yes: 13 No: 0 Abstain: 06 Result: Motion Passes

19 June 2008 Ad hoc Meeting Motion the WG to hold an ad hoc meeting if required in June 2008 Moved By: Marc Seconded By: Alice Yes: 14 No: 0 Abstain: 7 Result: Motion Passes

20 802.21 THANKS Michael Williams
Moved: To recognize with appreciation the contributions of Michael Williams as the Founding Vice Chair of the IEEE Working Group and acknowledge his service to the WG from 2004 to 2008. Moved By: Scott Henderson Seconded By: Ajay Rajkumar Yes: No: Abstain: Result: Passes by Unanimous Consent

21 Teleconferences April-22: April-10: Security SG
IMT-Advanced: 6:00 PM PST April-10: SB Recirculation Comments: 6:00 PM PST Security SG April 2, 16, and 30, 2008 (Wednesday, 10AM EST)

22 Future Sessions

23 Future Sessions - 2008 Interim: May 11th – 16th , 2008 (Jacksonville)
Meeting co-located with /15/18/19/20/22 Plenary: July 13th – 18th,2008, Denver, Colorado Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: Sept 7th – 12th ,2008, (Big Island, Hawaii) Plenary: Nov 9th – 14th,2008, Dallas, TX

24 Future Sessions - 2009 Interim: Jan (San Antonio)
Meeting co-located with /15/18/19/20/22 Plenary: March (Vancouver) Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: May (Montreal) Plenary: July (San Francisco) Interim: Sept (Big Island, Hawaii) Plenary: Nov (Atlanta)

25 EC Motions

26 Election Report WG carried out WG elections on Monday March-17 A secret ballot was used with paper ballot forms In the election for WG Chair, Vivek Gupta was the only candidate and was elected unanimously (with 34 votes). There were 2 candidates for WG Vice Chair, Michael Williams and Subir Das. Subir Das was elected as Vice Chair by vote of

27 LMSC Motion Motion: To confirm the elections of Vivek Gupta and Subir Das as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, of the IEEE Working Group Moved: Vivek Gupta Second: Tony Jeffree LMSC Vote:

28 Request to form 802.21 Security SG
Security-related signaling can add significant delays to Handovers and in many cases service continuity can not be met, in particular, for real-time applications Various presentations on this problem in the group over last year - by Yoshi Ohba et al by Jesse Walker by Madjid Nakhjiri WG Motion to request EC Approval for formation of Security SG 28-0-2 Yoshi Ohba/Clint Chaplin (as potential SG Chair candidates)

29 Security SG Renewal Motion: Move that the EC extend (second extension) the Security Study Group through the July 2008 Plenary Meeting Moved: Vivek Gupta Second: Tony Jeffree LMSC Vote:

30 MRPM SG Renewal Motion: Move that the EC extend (second extension) the Multi-Radio Power Conservation Management Study Group through the July 2008 Plenary Meeting Moved: Vivek Gupta Second: Shellhammer LMSC Vote:

31 Request to form Emergency Services SG
802 Networks need to support Emergency Services. Specifically they would need to address L2 issues related to prioritization, pre-emption and geo-location of caller to support these services Various presentations on this topic over last year – CFI by Stephen McCann (Nov 2007) - Tutorial by Scott, Stephen et al (March 2007) - Stephen (March 2008) WG Motion to request EC Approval for formation of Emergency Services SG 13-0-2 Stephen McCann/Scott Henderson (as potential SG Chair candidates)

32 Motion to form 802.21 Emergency Services SG
Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to create an IEEE Study Group to address Emergency Services issues in 802 networks with the intent to create necessary PAR and 5 Criteria. Moved: Vivek Gupta Seconded: Pat Thaler Approve: Disapprove Abstain: Result: To be done over

33 Request to form Handovers with Broadcast Technologies SG
DVB is an emerging technology in Europe and elsewhere. There are potential handover scenarios between DVB (and other broadcast technologies) and / WG has been invited to give a Tutorial to DVB Consortium in June and DVB to reciprocate in July. Possibility of liasion between IEEE and DVB Consortia in June-July timeframe. Some presentations on this topic over last year – Burak Simsek et al (Nov 2007) - Grigat, Stupor, Simsek et al (Jan 2008) – Burak Simsek (March 2008) WG Motion to request EC Approval for formation of Handovers with Broadcast Technologies SG: Burak Simsek/Juan Carlos Zunniga (as potential SG Chair candidates)

34 Motion to form 802.21 Handovers with Broadcast Technologies SG
Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to create an IEEE Study Group to address issues related to Handovers between Broadcast Technologies and other 802 networks with the intent to create necessary PAR and 5 Criteria. Moved: Vivek Gupta Seconded: Approve: Disapprove: Abstain: Result: To be done over


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