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Objective 4.7.

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1 Objective 4.7

2 4.7 the role of the in the system of checks and balances
Executive Branch

3 “role” Think of a“play” on a stage. The actor has been told what to do
by the script. script

4 the branches have been told
“role” In the U.S. government, the branches have been told what to do by the Constitution.

5 4.7 the role: VETO veto legislation

6 Definition: legislation – a bill, act, or law

7 veto a bill

8 (you already know this information)
POCKET VETO… (sits on President’s desk for 10 days) Congress has gone home at the end of a session… and the bill dies.

9 (you already know this information)
define SESSION… “a year of Congress” 2 SESSIONS = 1 TERM of Congress Each session lasts one year A term lasts two years

10 veto a bill

11 When a bill gets vetoed… WHO IS DOING THE ACTION
When a bill gets vetoed… WHO IS DOING THE ACTION? (the President) WHO DID HE MAKE ANGRY? (Congress)

12 For each “role” we study ALWAYS think in this order: 1…what is the action 2…who is doing the action 3…who is made angry

13 ALWAYS…think in this order: 1…what is the action VETO 2…who is doing the action PRESIDENT 3…who is made angry CONGRESS


15 grant reprieves and pardons
4.7 the role:

16 grant pardons grant reprieves

17 means to forgive someone that has done wrong
pardon: means to forgive someone that has done wrong

18 means to postpone the punishment of someone who has done wrong
reprieve: means to postpone the punishment of someone who has done wrong

19 1…what is the action? to PARDON to REPRIEVE

20 2…who is doing the action?

21 3…who (in the gov’t) is angry?
the JUDICIAL BRANCH (a court spent a lot of time on the trial)


23 4.7 the role: make appointments

24 4.7 the role: (for example)
FEDERAL judge appoint federal judges

25 appoint federal judges

26 COURT (Judicial Branch)
1…what is the action? APPOINT JUDGES 2…who is acting? PRESIDENT 3…who is made angry? COURT (Judicial Branch) *

27 Other appointments made by the President:
ambassadors, judges, heads of government agencies, members of the cabinet.


29 4.7 the role: call special sessions

30 call Congress into special session

31 (interrupted vacation)
1…what is the action? CALL SPECIAL SESSION 2…who is acting? PRESIDENT 3…who is made angry? CONGRESS (interrupted vacation) *


33 Other roles of the executive branch in the system of checks and balances:

34 prepare national budget
4.7 the role: prepare national budget

35 influence members of Congress
4.7 the role: influence members of Congress

36 4.7 the role: BILL propose bills



39 Objective 4.8

40 4.8 how the system of checks and balances of the executive branch
limits the power

41 What can the legislative branch do to stop the President?

42 4.8 the limit: approve a treaty

43 approve a treaty

44 3…IF NOT, who is made angry?
1…what is the action? APPROVING A TREATY 2…who is acting? CONGRESS (Senate) 3…IF NOT, who is made angry? PRESIDENT *

45 approve an appointment
4.8 the limit: approve an appointment

46 approve an appointment

47 3…IF NOT, who is made angry?
1…what is the action? APPROVE APPOINTMENT 2…who is acting? CONGRESS (Senate) 3…IF NOT, who is made angry? PRESIDENT *


49 4.8 the limit: appropriate money

50 appropriate money

51 Define: appropriate to determine where the money comes from and where it will go.

52 3…If Not, who is made angry?
1…what is the action? APPROPRIATE MONEY 2…who is acting? CONGRESS (House of R.) 3…If Not, who is made angry? PRESIDENT *


54 4.8 the limit: override a veto

55 override veto

56 CONGRESS (House & Senate)
1…what is the action? OVERRIDE VETO 2…who is acting? CONGRESS (House & Senate) 3…who is made angry? PRESIDENT *

57 (you already know this information)
“regular” VETO… Congress has a chance to make it law.

58 Define: override to make a bill a law after it has been vetoed by the President To override veto it takes 2/3 of both Senate and House


60 propose amendment (to override a judicial decision)
4.8 the limit: propose amendment (to override a judicial decision)


62 Other ways the legislative branch uses its limits in the system of checks and balances:

63 4.8 the limit: declare war

64 declare war

65 3…if not, who is made angry?
1…what is the action? DECLARE WAR 2…who is acting? CONGRESS 3…if not, who is made angry? PRESIDENT *

66 impeach and remove President
4.8 the limit: impeach and remove President


68 What can the judicial branch do to stop the President?

69 declare an executive act unconstitutional
4.8 the limit: declare an executive act unconstitutional

70 Define: executive act an order given by the President that carries the same weight as a law made by Congress

71 declare an executive act un-Constitutional

1…what is the action? SAY ACT IS UN-CONST. 2…who is acting? SUPREME COURT 3…who is made angry? PRESIDENT *


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