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Welcome to 6th Grade! Please find the desk with your name on it.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6th Grade! Please find the desk with your name on it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6th Grade! Please find the desk with your name on it.
Have a seat. Look over your schedule and agenda. Talk quietly.

2 Today & Tomorrow= 2 hour homeroom
Attendance Look over supplies/Organize binder Morning Procedures Walking Tour at 8:50 with Mrs. Snoddy Dress Code Check Consequences Punch Cards & Passes Daily Schedule for Block Classes and Encore 6th Grade Information Papers, Papers, Papers… Rules and Expectations Extra Info/Questions

3 Once you sit down—you should NOT get up.
Homeroom Students:  Be here by 8:10 or bring a tardy slip from the office. Unpack quickly/quietly. Once you sit down—you should NOT get up.

4 Lanyards-punch card, hall pass, lunch tag
You should wear your lanyard at ALL times during the school day. Before you leave school, take it off and place it on your desk. If you loose your punch card, you will receive a punch for a “re-issue.” Punch Card Consequences 4th, 5th, & 6th – Call home/ 7th, 8th, 9th – ASD 9th plus – ISS/Office Referral

5 Punch Card Check This will take place EVERY MORNING during announcements. You can’t just tell me how many punches you have…I have to SEE your card. Talking during homeroom: You may talk quietly until the pledge and morning announcements. Dress code check before dismissal. Teachers dismiss---not the bell.

6 Dress Code Violations & Consequences
 “Fixable” Offenses Shirt untucked, “forgot” to change sneakers after PE, etc. Students will be asked to correct the violation and will receive a punch on the punch card. Punch card consequences will apply. “Non-Fixable” Offenses Too short, too tight, wrong color, no belt, etc. Students will be sent to the office with a dress code violation form. Parents will be called to bring appropriate attire. Other consequences, as noted on the dress code form, will apply, including ASD and ISS.

7 6th Grade Blocks vs. Encore
“Core” Subjects everyone takes: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies Your first core class is your Block 1 Your second core class is your Block 2 Your third…………………………..Block 3 Your forth………………………………Block 4 Encores change in January. Everyone has two in the afternoon. P.E., Art, Vocal Music, etc.

8 Rules and Expectations
Agenda Scavenger Hunt Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Prepared Be Your Best

9 Extra, Extra… Use the calendar to write all of your important reminders for the year in your agenda. Dress Down: ($5 donation) Sept 22, Oct 27, Nov 17, Dec 15, Jan 26 Feb 23, Mar 23, Apr 27, May 25th Fun Run: October 20th

10 Incentives Every 9 Weeks
Movie Theater Staff vs. Student Basketball Game MacDaddy’s Wilson Bay Grades: 70 or above Behavior: No more than 6 punches

11 Cafeteria Procedures You will leave 2nd block and come here!
Put away books/pick up lunch box (if needed). Line up—I will lead you in a QUIET line to the cafeteria. Our table is closest to the back window. Table washers? Sweepers? (whole cafeteria) Do not get up/Do not throw away trash until lights are dimmed. No electronics!!!! Just eat and talk 

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