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6.2 Extending Human Vision

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1 6.2 Extending Human Vision
Chapter 6 6.2 Extending Human Vision

2 Helping Us See How do we see the tiniest micro-organisms that live around us? We use microscopes How do we see the stars and objects in space that are in the far-off distance? We use telescopes

3 Microscopes Microscopes magnify objects (causes them to appear larger)
A microscope uses an objective lens (a convex lens) which allows for a magnified image. The eyepiece is another convex lens that magnifies the image again.

4 Why don’t we see far away objects clearly?
As objects move away, less reflected light enters our eye. The object appears dimmer as it moves away. A telescope allows us to see distant objects clearly by gathering light. The image produced by a telescope is much brighter and can be magnified!

5 Refracting Telescopes
A telescope also has an objective lens and an eyepiece lens Objective lens: bends the light into focus and forms an image. Eyepiece lens: magnifies the image and focuses the image.

6 Reflecting Telescopes
These telescopes use mirrors to direct and gather light A concave mirror at the base of the telescope reflects and converges light Light travels to a plane mirror, where it is reflected toward an eyepiece A convex lens is used in the eyepiece: light rays converge together at a focal point to form an image

7 Reflected Light Concave Mirror Plane Mirror Convex Lens

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