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Expert Advisory Forum on

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1 Expert Advisory Forum on
Groundwater First meeting Brussels 23 Nov 2001

2 prevent or limit the input of pollutants no deterioration
Requirements in WFD Article 4, 7 and 11: prevent or limit the input of pollutants no deterioration protect, enhance and restore all groundwater bodies reverse any significant and sustained upward trends prohibition of direct discharges necessary protection for bodies of water used for the abstraction of drinking water reduce the level of purification treatment

3 Requirements in WFD . Article 17
Commission to proposal by end 2002: Criteria for assessing good groundwater status Criteria for identification of significant and sustained upward trends Criteria for definition on starting points for trend reversals In absence of criteria - starting point for trend reversal is 75 % of existing EU standards

4 Why a broader conceptual approach?
Article 17 WDF Why a broader conceptual approach? Lack of conceptual discussion based on analysis of threats on Europe's groundwater Evaluate existing good practices Discuss specific strategies for different kinds of pollution problems Request from European Parliament during conciliation

5 Conceptual approach In order to get a common concept, we need to: structure the discussion evaluate various approaches for different pollution problems take into account what is in WFD already three cases that cover a broad range of the situations that need to be addressed

6 Problems to be addressed
Body of groundwater Case I: Unpolluted Polluted Case III: Point source pollution from contaminated sites, railway tracks, industrial sites etc. Case II: Diffuse pollution and causing trends No deterioration Prevention Definition of high status Typology Restore Prevent pollution of other GW bodies Assess trends Reverse trends Prevention, No deterioration Restoration targets Target values for trend reversal Action values for other substances or activities

7 Would Quality standards be useful?
Cases to be addressed Case I: Unpolluted groundwater body with pollution pressure from point or diffuse sources Shortcomings: no definition “unpolluted” Approaches: define “high status” create typology Requirements: no deterioration pollution prevention ?How to strengthen the protection of unpolluted groundwater; Would Quality standards be useful?

8 ? Need of further action values and how to derive them?
Cases to be addressed Case II: Polluted groundwater body with pressure from diffuse pollution Shortcomings: no standards, no action values nor end points for trend reversal for any other substances Approach: derive action values and end targets from - natural background values - detection values - interaction with surface water Requirements: good status (nitrates, pesticides) trend reversal action values (75% of standards) ? Need of further action values and how to derive them?

9 ?Need of restoration targets and how to derive them?
Cases to be addressed Case III: Polluted groundwater body with continues pressure from point sources (contaminated sites) Shortcomings: no restoration targets with reference to contaminated sites restoring targets Approach: use drinking water standards (particular) account the interaction with surface water Requirements: prevent further deterioration prevent or limit pollution at source restoring ?Need of restoration targets and how to derive them?

10 Groundwater - Timetable

11 How to go on WFD - Daughter Directive Evaluate existing good practices
Discuss specific strategies for different kinds of pollution problems Choose a case study on each of the cases, which further the discussion Work out a proposal for a common procedure

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