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Coping Skills For The Medical Assistant

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1 Coping Skills For The Medical Assistant
Chapter 5 Coping Skills For The Medical Assistant

2 What Is Stress? Body’s response to mental and physical change
What constitutes stress is highly individual and depends on personality type

3 Adaptation to Stress Three categories of stressors
Frustrations Conflicts Pressure Short duration and long duration stress Stress has both negative and positive affects on the body

4 Adaptation to Stress Sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for “fight or flight” Parasympathetic nervous system returns the body back to normal after the stressor has been removed

5 Adaptation to Stress ^^ Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) theory proposes that four stages are involved in adapting to stress.

6 Managing Stress Understand the cause Powerless
Round peg in square hole Traumatic events Environmental impacts Management style Failure to satisfy needs

7 Managing Stress Requesting a written job description
Planning, prioritizing, and organizing Manage your personal lifestyle Mental attitude Physical condition (Table 5-1)

8 Managing Stress Manage your personal lifestyle
Maintain positive interpersonal relationships Be respectful of others Be a diligent worker Be willing to learn Be honest Be willing to assume responsibility for your actions

9 Managing Stress Manage your personal lifestyle
Maintain positive interpersonal relationships Express appropriate humor Exemplify an attitude of humility Be goal directed Understand Maslow’s levels of need

10 What Is Burnout? Stages of burnout Honeymoon stage Reality stage
Dissatisfaction stage Sad state stage

11 What Is Burnout? Role of personality on work environment
Characteristics associated with burnout in the workplace Role conflict Role ambiguity Role overload Role value

12 Burnout Prevention Develop time management and prioritization techniques Develop outside interests Take steps to live a healthful lifestyle

13 Burnout Prevention Conduct a self-evaluation Set realistic goals
Obtain a written job description

14 Managing Burnout Changes to implement once you recognize you are in the burnout cycle Make concerted effort to say “No” when asked to assume additional work responsibilities Prioritize work or delegate to others with the approval of your supervisor Change your work-related environment by creating variations Evaluate the negative feelings about your job and attempt to replace them with more positive thoughts

15 Managing Burnout Changes to implement once you recognize you are in the burnout cycle Adopt an attitude of pleasure and fun associated with your job Establish short- and long-term realistic goals and write them down with a plan to make them happen Attempt to develop friendships with coworkers and occasionally go to lunch together Embark on a program of relaxation and meditation to reduce stress

16 Goal Setting as a Stress Reliever
Outer-directed people vs. inner-directed people Goal-oriented employees More effective and assertive than others who are not

17 Goal Setting as a Stress Reliever
What is a goal? Specific, challenging, realistic, attainable, and measurable Long-range versus short-range goals Short-range goals help achieve long-range goals Long-range goals may take three to five years to accomplish

18 Goal Setting as a Stress Reliever
Long- and short-range goals help make changes in our lives Goals make life interesting We can all reach goals successfully

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