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Student evaluation: why wait until it’s too late?

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Presentation on theme: "Student evaluation: why wait until it’s too late?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student evaluation: why wait until it’s too late?
Gemma Blackledge-Foughali

2 Overview Motivation for using student response system (SRS) early on
Current methods of evaluation Background information on Poll Everywhere (PE) When and how to poll Challenges encountered Findings Conclusions

3 Motivation for using SRS early on

4 Current methods of evaluation

5 Background information on Poll Everywhere (PE)

6 Poll Everywhere Can share polls with others within your group
Reorder questions or amend as required Stores the poll so you can duplicate and deliver as often as you need Following delivery you can generate a series of different reports Control the display of results A word of caution to close and open polls!

7 Questions used in the pilot

8 When and how to poll

9 When to poll We have a 12 week teaching semester at level 1, scaling down to 8 weeks in level 4 All assessment specifications are due to be on the VLE by the end of week 1 By week 4, a couple of seminars have been delivered Discussions took place in approximately week 2-3 We decided on week 5 but some modules were later For semester 2 the plan was week 4

10 How to poll – in class vs online link
Level 1 Introduction to Business (n=26) Business and Fast Track Foundations of Marketing (n= 78) All programmes Business Economics (n=61) Business, Fast Track and Events Level 2 Human Resource Management (n=64) All programmes Business Law (n=53) Business, Fast Track and Events Operations Management (n=16) Business, Fast Track and Hospitality/Tourism

11 Challenges encountered

12 Challenges encountered
Staff buy in and variation in delivery and subsequent follow up Wifi Some minor technical issues Managing expectations in the responses

13 Findings

14 Findings – a brief summary
Overall modules were running smoothly and materials were easy to find across all levels – did not support a case for a standardised VLE across modules Communication and clarity of messages within team taught modules was good in some cases but not others – this has led to smaller/single person led modules for the next session Common and not unexpected timetabling concerns – a frank conversation Feelings about the library resources were fairly neutral but comments alluded to needing more books and ebooks being desirable. Opportunities for assistance from the librarians to find subject specific materials were noted by the final years – some colleagues taking this forward next session Significant debates about assessment . Whether to have information sessions or not and then if so when. Opened a debate about independence -an ongoing discussion at present. Opened up a question about whether feedback is recognised

15 Conclusions

16 Conclusions A simple exercise that gathered some important information for further discussion When you do it is key – catch problems before they go further as encountered in the following semester (we aimed for week 4 in semester 2) It doesn’t take much time out of class if you and the class are prepared Follow up was difficult due to initial lack of buy in from some staff members Action and/or recognition is required

17 Thank you

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