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Year 3 Residential 2018 Wednesday 27th June –Friday 29th June

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1 Year 3 Residential 2018 Wednesday 27th June –Friday 29th June
Edith Weston Sailing Club – Rutland Water.

2 Itinerary Wednesday 27th June Am parent drop off.
The children will need to bring a packed lunch to school in a throw away plastic bag for the first day. Sailing, short walk and craft activities. Evening activities – Games night.


4 Itinerary Thursday 28th June Day at Rutland Water to include:
Beach activities at Empingham Golf Walk to Whitwell to use outdoor gym or use of the adventure playground. Evening activities – Disco


6 Itinerary Friday 29th June Walk to Normanton and picnic.
Parents to pick up from Edith Weston at 2.00pm

7 Additional Information
Meals - The children will be provided with breakfast, a packed lunch and a hot meal in the evening whilst they are away (please let us know of any dietary requirements). Please do not send extra food with your child. Medication – If your child requires any medication during this time this will need to be signed off on an appropriate form and instructions given. Money – The children will not need to take any money or electronic devices.


9 Accommodation Accommodation –the rooms are bunk rooms ranging from 2 to 6 people per room. There are adequate toilet and bathroom facilities near all bedrooms. Please let us know of any bedtime routines that you feel we may need to know about. We will be allowing the children to choose four people that they may want to share with and will make sure they have at least one of these in the room with them.

10 Kit List Swimwear T- Shirt and shorts to wear over swimwear. Old trainers that can get wet. Appropriate footwear for walking. Selection of appropriate clothing for outdoor activities to include a warm fleece or sweatshirt. Change of clothes for the evenings. Nightwear Underwear Towels (2) Raincoat Sunhat Sun cream Toiletries Packed lunch. Refillable water bottle. Small day rucksack. Flip flops Bucket and spade

11 Staffing Mrs Chambers Miss Humphreys Mrs McKay Confirmed cost per child - £75 which can be paid in full or in instalments via parent pay. All payments to have been made by Monday 11th June, please see Mrs Chambers if you need to discuss payment further.

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