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NesCom PAR Review Period Comment Dialog

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1 NesCom PAR Review Period Comment Dialog
9 November 2009

2 New Standards Committee
NesCom has been delegated the responsibility of considering all Project Authorization Requests (PARS) and providing recommendations to the IEEE-SA Standards Board regarding their approval NesCom consists of members, at least four of whom, including the chair, are voting members of the IEEE-SA Standards Board NesCom has four quarterly face to face meetings and two to three Continuous Processing meetings in between.

3 NesCom Review Schedule
Submission Deadline: Posted on our web page. Review Period: One week after deadline Review Closed: Two days before NesCom meeting Sponsor Approval Cutoff: One day before NesCom meeting NesCom Meeting Standards Board Meeting: One day after NesCom (Continuous Processing meeting – recommendations are balloted to the Board by .) The review period starts with the submission deadline it is posted on our web page….it is approx. 40 days before the Standards board meeting. PARs received after this date are automatically put on the next agenda. Review Period - NesCom members will begin to review the PARs and make comments. You will receive notification of any comments received on your PAR and have a chance to respond. This is your chance to dialogue with the committee, answer any questions they pose and clarify your information. Review Closed - comments and dialog options are closed. Sponsor Approval Cutoff - The last day a Sponsor may approve or remove a PAR from this agenda. NesCom Meeting – Vote/make recommendations to Standards Board. You have the option of attending the meeting or calling in to the meeting to speak to your project should you feel the need. This is something you might discuss with your liaison Standards Board Meeting – vote to approve/disapprove recommendations given to them by NesCom.

4 ADVICE: If you want your PAR approved … do NOT ignore these comments…
Comment Dialog During the Review Period, you may receive notification from “IEEE-SA” alerting you to myProject notifications. It is necessary to log into myProject to read these. Each message will list the member who submitted the comment, instructions on how to respond to the comment within myProject (not by ), and a copy of the comment itself. ADVICE: If you want your PAR approved … do NOT ignore these comments… Lack of response to comments usually means an automatic deferral of the PAR to the next agenda. 23-Feb-19

5 Comment Dialog Notification
Once the Open Review has begun, you be notified via the address you have registered in myProject, if any comments are received regarding your PAR. The will instruct you to log into myProject to view these comments.

6 myProject Messages Click
Upon clicking on the New Messages link, you will see a page that lists system messages, such as comments. If you click on the message under the Subject heading….

7 Comment Dialog Notification
Who the comment is from Instructions ….You will be able to view the actual message. At the top you will see who the comment is from. You should not respond to the submitter by . The instructions tell you how to respond in myProject. The I’ll point out here. You may need to make changes to your PAR based on comments received. Once the PAR is submitted only the NesCom Administrator can make changes to the PAR form. You can include instructions for change in your comment response. Under the dotted line at the bottom of the message, you will see a cut and paste of the actual comment. Comment Remember: Only the NesCom Administrator can edit the PAR

8 Comment Dialog Notification
Back on your welcome page, you access the submitted comments by clicking on “Manage My PARs”

9 Comment Dialog Click on the # under the Comment column
On the this page you would click on the # under the comment column that corresponds to the comment you are responding to. If you need to access your PAR to review you can click on the blue PAR number. Click on the # under the Comment column You can view your PAR from this link

10 Comment Submission Details
On this screen, you can click on the comment it will expand to view and respond or you can also click on the # under the Dialog Column Or click on the # under the Dialog Column Click on the comment to view it and respond

11 Comment Dialog Type response here Click
On this screen you will see the original comment Enter your response in the text box and click on "Add to Dialog" - Click

12 Comment Dialog Response
Once you click the Add to Dialog button the screen will refresh and your response will be added and you will see the start of the back and forth dialog.

13 Message for Continuing Dialog
You will see a similar message to the one you received for the initial comment

14 Comment Dialog Response
The comment dialog can go back and forth. Some comments and responses are handled quickly and easily, some take a bit more dialog. If a NesCom member makes a suggestion which you agree with, you can ask for changes to be made by the NesCom Admin in your response.

15 Staff to Assist and Guide You
NesCom Administrator Facilitates PAR submittal process through myProject During NesCom review, makes requested updates to PAR form after submittal Technical Staff Liaisons The staff liaison is your primary contact person for questions about procedures, policies, and process flow. Behind the scenes the liaison and I work together to make sure the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed. Liaison can give guidance with PAR submittal. We compare notes often during the review process and then meet together before the NesCom meeting to go over each project to see if there is anything more we can do to help obtain approval for your project. We will work with you to resolve any outstanding issues. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for any assistance you might need.

16 Contact Information NesCom Administrator – Lisa Yacone Phone: IEEE Standards Website address: NesCom myProject: Here is my contact information and some links to our websites. I will ask Rachael to forward this presentation to all of you so that you can refer to it If any of you have any interest in being a part of the NesCom Committee in the future, please send me your name for consideration. During the week Soo, Moira and I will be available at an IEEE-SA Staff table located near registration. Please stop by if you have any questions or need any assistance. My schedule over the next three days if fairly flexible, so if any of you would like me to attend one of your Working Group meetings or give any additional presentations I’d be very happy to. I have presentation that cover various aspects of NesCom such as an overview of our committee and the process, a walk through for submitting a PAR, How to submit an extension request, etc.

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