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CSCE 206 Lab Structured Programming in C

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1 CSCE 206 Lab Structured Programming in C
Fall 2018 Lecture 6 Ehsanul Haque Nirjhar

2 Pointer Pointers are variables that stores/points the address of another variables Address refers to the memory location of a variable

3 Pointer operators & is the address operator. It refers to the address of a variable. * is the dereference operator. It refers to value at a specific address. Why pointer? Call by reference Dynamic Memory Allocation

4 Pointer int main(void) { int var = 50; int *ptr; ptr=&var; printf("value is %d\n", var); printf("value is %d\n", *ptr); printf("Address of value is %d", ptr); return 0; } Prints: value is 50 Address of value is 1001

5 Practice Problem-1 Write a program that adds 2 integers using pointer approach. Take 2 integers in 2 variables named a and b. Add those numbers and save it in another variable. Print the address and values of a,b and c.

6 Practice Problem-2 Write a program that takes 3 integers as input and find the largest number among them. Use pointer variables to do the comparison and output printing.

7 Practice Problem-3 Write a program that takes 2 integers as input and swap their values. You are required to write a function named SwapValues, that takes 2 pointer variables and within the function swap the values. Print the output from main function.

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