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Showing sorrow or sympathy for another who is suffering or hurt;

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Presentation on theme: "Showing sorrow or sympathy for another who is suffering or hurt;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Showing sorrow or sympathy for another who is suffering or hurt;
compassionate Adj. Showing sorrow or sympathy for another who is suffering or hurt; wanting to eliminate another’s pain synonyms: pity sympathy tenderness mercy The compassionate nurse treated her patients with care.

2 Apathetic Adjective Showing little to no emotion; not interested or concerned Synonyms: unfeeling unresponsive indifferent The apathetic student shrugged her shoulders when the counselor told her about repeating the 7th grade.

3 Exuberant Adjective Showing extreme joy and enthusiasm Synonyms: excited passionate sparkling Effervescent The exuberant child squealed when his parents gave him permission to open his gifts.

4 belligerent Adjective
showing aggression; waging war; ready to fight; hostile attitude Synonyms: aggressive hostile combative antagonistic The belligerent employee received so many complaints that the manager readily fired him.

5 reverent Adjective Showing respect and admiration synonyms: respectful faithful admiring The reverent subjects worshiped and loved their ruler for his wise and generous ways.

6 Facetious Adjective Showing a lack of serious intent, not meant to be taken seriously; humorous Synonyms: amusing ridiculous sarcastic The facetious teacher told the students that there would be a pop quiz on the first day of school.

7 actively participating
passive Adjective not reacting or actively participating Synonyms: indifferent compliant phlegmatic The passive student followed directions but never participated or showed any real interest in the lesson.

8 Pompous Adjective exaggerated self-importance or dignity Synonyms: boastful self-centered vain narcissistic The pompous butler turned his nose up and closed the door.

9 choleric Adjective irritable; easily angered synonyms: Impatient testy The choleric businessman fired his secretary.

10 Melancholy adjective showing sadness; depression Synonyms: down moody gloomy blue The melancholy girl thought of all the people she’d be leaving behind.

11 cynical Adjective Bitterly distrustful; pessimistic synonyms: skeptical suspicious The cynical businessman was convinced that everyone was stealing his ideas and taking credit for them

12 Pessimistic Adjective
To expect the worst; see the worst in all things and situations Synonyms: worried hopeless bleak sullen The pessimistic man always saw the glass as “half empty” instead of “half full”.

13 humble adjective Not proud or arrogant; polite and respectful synonyms: modest reserved demure The humble professor never bragged about his numerous awards, but instead listened to others and gave encouragement.

14 Serene adjective peaceful or tranquil; calm Synonyms: easygoing laid-back sedate The beautiful sunset over the gentle ocean waves provided just the serene atmosphere the busy man needed to help him relax.

15 flashy showy flaunting
pretentious Adjective A false outer appearance of great worth synonyms: flashy showy flaunting The pretentious young girl, spoiled rotten by her parents, developed no real friends because of her attitude.

16 Candid Adjective Honest; straightforward; unbiased Synonyms: sincere truthful open genuine The newly-elected class president believed that being candid won her the most votes.

17 callous Adjective Insensitive and unsympathetic Synonyms: cold uncaring heartless The callous babysitter failed to care about upsetting the child.

18 Judgmental Adjective Making judgments on other people’s behavior; self-righteous Synonyms: smug snobbish pious She was so judgmental that people stopped telling her anything.

19 apprehensive adjective Uneasy; fearful about something that might happen Synonyms: uncertain concerned worried The boy, apprehensive about the plan, felt sure the police would catch them.

20 Nostalgic Adjective longingly remembering; desire to return to a former time in one’s life Synonyms: sentimental sappy wistful The woman, nostalgic about the times spent with her grandparents as a child, stared longingly out the window.

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