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The Crucible Act III Vocabulary

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1 The Crucible Act III Vocabulary

2 Contention Argumentative

3 Affidavit A written statement made under oath

4 Deposition The testimony of a witness made under oath but not in open court

5 Imperceptible Barely noticeable

6 Cain … Abel In the Bible, Cain, the oldest son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel

7 Deferentially In a manner that bows to another’s wishes; very respectfully

8 Raphael … Tobias In the Bible, Tobias is guided by the archangel Raphael to save two people who have prayed for their deaths. One of the two is Tobias’s father, Tobit, who has prayed for his death because he has lost his sight. The other is Sara, a woman who is afflicted with a demon and has killed her seven husbands on their wedding day. With Raphael’s assistance, Tobias exorcises the devil from Sara and cures his father of blindness.

9 Anonymity The condition of being unknown

10 Prodigious Of great size, power, or extent

11 Effrontery Shameless boldness

12 Confounded Confused; dismayed

13 Ipso Facto Latin: “By that very fact”; “therefore”

14 Probity Complete honesty; integrity

15 Augur bit The sharp point of an auger; a tool used for boring holes

16 Incredulously Skeptically

17 Blanched Paled; whitened

18 Gulling Fooling

19 Anti-Christ In the Bible, the great antagonist of Christ expected to spread universal evil

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