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National Education Cluster Meeting
Monday 02nd July 2018
Introduction and welcome by Federal MoE and KRI MoE
Previous Meeting Action Points
Level of Completion National education cluster will lead to development of the required plan from Iraq country with consultations of partners Ongoing The national education cluster to organize a meeting with the MoE to discuss further and agree with MoE on the suggested issues Carried Forward The national Education cluster will follow up with other donors and find out if they can come in and support to fill the gap of refugees teachers incentives.
Updates on IDP Schools Closure in KRG
In light of the new developments around the advocacy efforts of the IDP schools closure in Kurdistan, the following snapshot clarifies the latest discussions with the Federal MoE at Baghdad level. Closure of IDP schools “The Ministry confirmed that the decision related to closure of IDP schools in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is still in effect, however, given the circumstances in the liberated areas and the inability of some families to return to their governorates of origin due to lack of basic infrastructure, the ministry decided to take some exceptional measures for some IDP schools to remain functional”. It is not yet clear which schools will remain functional however the MoE will send a committee to evaluate the schools and based on the findings the MoE will make decision on which schools will remain functional
Updates on 2018 HRP Performance Periodic Review
Education People Targeted 500,000 People in Need People Covered 137,000 People Reached with education support FUNDING Requested US$ Received Percent Funded 38 M 22 M 58.7% CHF: 00 $2,157,000
Cluster Objective 1: The Education Cluster will help to improve the quality of formal and non-formal education Indicator Activities Location In need Baseline Target Result % # of conflict-affected children (6-17 years) enrolled in non-formal education programs (Bridging) education programmes (Remedial and catch-up) Support the registration and enrolment of children into the schools and TLS to provide non-formal (Bridging) education services Anbar, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa, SAD Ninewa IDPs 271,000 167,722 30,208 18% # of teachers and facilitators (Male and Female) receiving incentives Support the provision of teachers’ monthly incentives Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa, SAD 4,800 2,396 383 16% # of teachers, facilitators (Male & Female) or other education personnel trained in classroom pedagogy (literacy, maths, classroom management) Support the training of teachers and other education personnel on, child-centred, protective and interactive methodologies; core subject matter and classroom management Kirkuk, Ninewa, & SAD NA 7,546 335 4% # of Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) established and functional Establish and train Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) Dahuk, Ninewa & SAD 511 158 31% Cluster Objective 2: FOR HIGHLY VULNERABLE PEOPLE WHO ARE UNABLE TO RETURN UNLESS HELPED, the Education Cluster will help to facilitate access to quality education for highly vulnerable children # of classrooms rehabilitated with WASH facilities Rehabilitate damaged or used classrooms mainly in the areas of return Kirkuk, Ninewa, SAD & Sully Returns 7,737 600 1,212 100% # of conflict affected children (Boys and Girls) received learning supplies Support the provision of textbooks, teaching and learning materials, stationaries and school bags. Baghdad, Dahuk, Diyala, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa, SAD, & Sully 1,117,000 223,012 204,312 91% # of conflict affected children provided with cash assistance for transportation and other education related needs Support the provision of cash assistance for transportation and supplies 3,200 18, 025 3,890 21% # of conflict affected children (6-17 years) enrolled in formal education Support the registration and enrolment of children into the formal schools Anbar, Dahuk, Diyala, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa, SAD, & Sully 567,000 104,979 47%
Cluster Objective 3: The Education Cluster will provide immediate safe, protected learning spaces
Indicator Activities Location Baseline Target Result Status # of temporary classrooms established/built with WASH facilities Establish education facilities and Temporary Learning Spaces Anbar, Diyala, Kirkuk, Ninewa, Salah al-Din 420 511 715 100% # of teachers, facilitators (Male and Female) or other education personnel trained on emergency education and life skills Support the training of teachers and other education personnel on PFA, PSS, child-centred, protective and interactive methodologies; and classroom management Dahuk, Kirkuk, Ninewa, Salah al-Din 7,000 7546 767 # of conflict affected children (Boys and Girls) accessing psychosocial support services at learning spaces (PSS Provide psychosocial support to the children at risk Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa, Salah al-Din 147,000 52,800 22,254 42% Cluster Objective 4: the Education Cluster will help the Government to expand education opportunities in areas where services are not fully functional Indicator Activities Location Baseline Target Result Status # of Directorates of Education (DoE) with emergency preparedness plans in place Support DoEs to develop emergency preparedness plans to cater for children affected by the crisis and this includes budgeting 7 0% # of schools with functional SBMC Establish and train SBMC on how to cater for the needs of vulnerable children and improve the school Dahuk, Ninewa 500 650 80 12% # of DoEs actively participating in coordination mechanisms Involve DoE to take leadership role in coordination Diyala, Diyala 100%
Updates on HNO/HRP Process for 2019
Data collection for the MCNA is scheduled to begin the first week of July and run all month. The data collected will help build a strong Humanitarian Needs Overview document. Data will be collected from 78 districts in total and targeted populations include in and out of camp IDPs as well as returnees. Host communities have been excluded The National cluster has requested the sub-national clusters to reach out to partners and other stakeholders to complete a survey of needs as of last week the responses were as follows Gov. No. of Responses Anbar 5 Baghdad 4 Dahuk 5 Erbil 4 Kirkuk 3 Ninewa 14 Salah al-Din 21 Grand Total 56 The national cluster is therefore encouraging partners who have not responded to the survey to do so. The survey will help us to triangulate findings on the needs and also inform the HNO
Updates of GBV Mainstreaming Into Education Programs
GBV mainstreaming online mapping survey conducted and very few partners filled the survey GBV Focal Persons Identified in some locations, in other areas that aren't identified, if you are interested and have the capacity to this role Please let us know! ToR Developed: A draft ToR is shared out with all the cluster members in the contacts list so if you have any feedback kindly let us know. GBV Training Planned: Tentatively the training is scheduled to take place at the end of July 2018
Presentation on E-Learning
Key Updates from the Sub-National Cluster Focal Persons
Kirkuk SAD Anbar Ninewa Erbil Dahuk Sully
Anbar Key Activities Undertaken in the Month
Online surveys of needs assessment conducted. Assessment and information gathering conducted in west of Anbar Training of proposal development will be conducted on 17th,18th,19th July for sub-cluster education members Data collection from all the reports and existing information gathered and will share with the national cluster soon.
Refugees Education Updates
Presentation on Coursera for Refugees
Information Management
A. O. B.
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