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Church Planting & Church Growth

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1 Church Planting & Church Growth
Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age (Material from Ed Stetzer book) Church Planting & Church Growth

2 Common Objections to North American Church Planting
Large Church Mentality Parish Church Mind-set Professional Church Syndrome Rescue the Perishing Syndrome Already Reached Myth

3 Common Objections to North American Church Planting
Large Church Mentality Belief that growing one large church is preferable to planting multiple churches Churches under three years of age win an average of ten people per year for every one hundred members Churches three to fifteen years of age win an average of five people per year for every one hundred members Churches over fifteen years of age win an average of three people per year for every one hundred members Bruce McNichol Interest Magazine

4 Common Objections to North American Church Planting
Parish Church Mind-set Limits the possible number of churches possible in the area Decline of church-to-population 1900 – 27 churches for 10,000 Americans 1950 – 17 churches for 10,000 Americans 1996 – 11 churches for 10,000 Americans See Church Growth Status

5 Common Objections to North American Church Planting
Professional Church Syndrome All churches must have a seminary trained pastor to be ligetimate Rescue the Perishing Syndrome The assumption that denominations should first rescue dying churches before planting new churches

6 Common Objections to North American Church Planting
Already Reached Myth Flawed perception that the United States and Canada are already evangelized U.S. Status 120 million secular undiscipled Largest mission field in West Fifth largest mission field on earth

7 Obstacles to Mission Effectiveness
Lack of cultural engagement Lack of Biblical content Technique Tradition

8 Missional Perspective

9 Missional Church & Cultural Investigation
What is the worldview of the target audience? (see worldview questions) What is the culture’s decision-making process? What does it cost a person in this culture to become a Christian? What redemptive analogy is best for this culture? How does this culture view Christianity? What does this culture understand about the basic components of the gospel story? Is this culture a shame or guilt culture? How will this culture understand Christian rituals? What is the best delivery system for exposing the people of this culture to the gospel?

10 Biblical Basis for Church Planting
Adapted from Elmer Towns Scripture Where When To Whom What Key John 20:21 Upper Room Resurrection 10 Disciples I am sending you Commission Matt. 28:18-20 Mountain in Galilee At least two weeks after the resurrection 11 Disciples Disciples all “peoples” then baptize and teach Strategy Luke 24:46-48 Jerusalem 40th day Preach repentance and forgiveness of sins in Christ Content Acts 1:8 Mt. Of Olive Jerusalem to uttermost part of earth Geography

11 Biblical Basis for Church Planting
Paul was personally prepared for his church planting ministry Paul was an evangelist Paul was an entrepreneurial leader Paul was a team player Paul was a flexible, risk-taking pioneer Paul care for people Paul empowered other (equipper) Sacrificial ministry Paul was willing to change plans at God’s guidance

12 Models of Church Plants
The Apostolic Harvest Church Planter Paradigm Starts churches, raises up leaders from the harvest, moves to new church Biblical Model Paul Historic/Modern Example Church circuit riders House church movement Networks of house churches

13 Models of Church Plants
The Apostolic Harvest Church Planter Principles: Planter starts and moves on. Pastor comes out of the church and then goes back into it. Pastor may or may not be classically educated. Churches may provide core for each new congregation.

14 Models of Church Plants
The Apostolic Harvest Church Planter Planter & New Core Planter & New Core Planter New Planter New Planter New Planter

15 Models of Church Plants
The Founding Pastor Planted Pastor Entrepreneurial Planter

16 Models of Church Plants
The Founding Pastor Paradigm Starts a church as planter & remains as evangelist in new church Biblical Model Peter at Jerusalem church Historic/Modern Example Charles Spurgeon Rick Warren (Purpose Driven Church)

17 Models of Church Plants
The Founding Pastor Principles: Planter starts and pastors the church long term. Evangelist often moves from another location. Evangelist often classically education. New church taught to sponsor new church.

18 Models of Church Plants
The Planted Pastor (type of Founding Pastor)

19 Models of Church Plants
The Planted Pastor Principles: Organization and vision for new church usually external – from an apostolic church planter, mother church, or denominational leadership. Planted pastor usually has a shepherding heart with administrative ability but not a church planter’s gift mix. Planted pastor by definition does no leave but stays long term. Planted pastor is usually classically educate and comes from outside the congregation.

20 Models of Church Plants
The Entrepreneurial Planter

21 Models of Church Plants
The Entrepreneurial Planter Principles: Enjoy the challenge of starting churches but are often bored by pastoring the same church long term but generally not attracted to the apostolic method because they love pastoring. Often leaves before the congregation is “fromalized” (three years). Often classically educated and comes from outside the congregation but may avoid education because of boredom. Planter my sponsor new churches.

22 Models of Church Plants
The Church Planter Team Consensus Decision Method Leader Decision Method

23 Models of Church Plants
Planter Team Paradigm A group of planters relocates into an area to start a church. Often the team has a senior pastor. Biblical Model Paul Historic/Modern Example Missionaries at Iona Team church

24 Models of Church Plants
Planter Team Principles: A team forms in, or relocates to, a specific area to plant a new church. Church planting vision often comes from one key member of the team. Good teams have a gift mix. Team may amicably split up the mother church into multiple daughter churches or become traditional staff members of the founded church.

25 Models of Church Plants
Team Plants

26 Models of Church Plants
Team Plants

27 Church Planters Who can plant churches? Teams Individuals Laypeople Agencies Churches

28 Church Planters Church Multiplication

29 Church Planters Mother Church

30 Church Planters Church Planter Assessed

31 Church Planter Assessment Ed Stetzer
Church Planters Church Planter Assessment Ed Stetzer S.H.A.P.E. Spiritual gifts: Gifts of ministry given by the Holy Spirit Heart of passion: A burden to establish an outreach toward a specific people group, in a particular location, or through a specific type of ministry Abilities: Entrepreneurial talents useful in planting Personality type: Analysis of personality type often appearing in church planters Experiences: Tools for describing experiences to help the planter understand when, where, and how to plant a church

32 Ridley’s Assessment Categories
Church Planters Ridley’s Assessment Categories Visionizing Capacity The ability to envision the potential future, persuade other to work toward the dream to bring the vision to reality Intrinsically Motivated Approaches ministry as a self-starter with strong work ethic and determined mind to fulfill vision Creates Ownership of Ministry Instills in others a sense of personal responsibility for growth and success in ministry and trains leaders to reproduce

33 Ridley’s Assessment Categories
Church Planters Ridley’s Assessment Categories Relates to the Unchurched Develops rapport and overcomes barriers with the unchurched to influence the toward a personal relationship with God Spousal Cooperation Couple agree on ministry priorities, their roles, and integration of ministry and family life Effectively Builds Relationships Takes initiative developing relationships toward ministry goals

34 Ridley’s Assessment Categories
Church Planters Ridley’s Assessment Categories Committed to Church Growth Values congregational development for spiritual, relational, and numerical growth. Responsiveness to the Community Ability to adjust ministry to the culture and the needs of the target people. Utilizes Giftedness of Others Equips and releases other people to minister on the basis of their spiritual gifts.

35 Ridley’s Assessment Categories
Church Planters Ridley’s Assessment Categories Flexible and Adaptable Ability to adjust to change and ambiguity, shift priorities when necessary, and handle multiple tasks at the same time. Builds Group Cohesiveness One who enables the group to collaborate to accomplish ministry goals while managing divisiveness and disunifying elements.

36 Ridley’s Assessment Categories
Church Planters Ridley’s Assessment Categories Demonstrates Resilience Ability to sustain oneself emotionally, spiritually, and physically through stresses and failures. Exercises Faith Translates personal conviction into personal and ministry decisions and positive actions.

37 Wrong Reasons to be a Church Planter
Church Planters Wrong Reasons to be a Church Planter A strong desire to preach but no opportunities Frustrated where you are because you are not able to do what you want No invitation to be a minister of a church Out to prove something. Nee to get some experience in ministerial skills

38 Proposed Schedule & Responsibilities
Church Planters Proposed Schedule & Responsibilities Evangelistic Outreach – 15 hours per week (bivocational – 3 hours) Sermon & Study Preparation – 10 hours per week (bivocational – 2 hours) Administration – 10 hours per week (bivocational – 2 hours) Ministry – 15 hours per week (bivocational – 3 hours)

39 Church Planters Personal Adjustments Culture Fatigue Team Fatigue
Relational Demands Network of Support Accountability (Supervisor) Mentor Assistance

40 Church Planters Supervisor - Accountability

41 Church Planters Mentor Meetings

42 Key Ministers in Church Plant
Evangelist (Pastor) Worship Leader Preschool Children’s Minister Assimilation Coordinator Evangelism Networker Spiritual Gift Mobilizer Welcome coordinator Financial Organizer

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