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Constraints on Asian Carbon Fluxes using TRACE-P CO2/CO Correlations

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1 Constraints on Asian Carbon Fluxes using TRACE-P CO2/CO Correlations
P. Suntharalingam, D. Jacob, P. Palmer, Y. Xiao, R. Yantosca, D. Streets, S. Vay, G. Sachse and C. Harward

2 MOTIVATION To identify contraints on Asian CO2 sources through analysis of observed correlations between CO2 and CO CO2/CO correlations from TRACE-P flights display a range of distinct values

3 APPROACH Analysis of CO2/CO correlations in TRACE-P data
Combination of GEOS-CHEM simulations for CO2 and CO to develop a set of modeled CO2/CO correlations Comparison of modeled correlations with observations allows evaluation of imposed CO2/CO emissions ratios in model

4 Model Emissions Inventories used in TRACE-P Analysis
Averaged over TRACE-P period Averaged over TRACE-P period SOURCE CO2 CO Fossil fuel Asian : Streets et al. 2002 Global : Marland et al. 2001 Global :Logan et al. Biomass burning Asian : Heald et al. 2002 Global : Yevich and Logan 2002 Biofuels Global : Yevich and Logan, 2002 Seasonal biosphere CASA ecosystem model Potter et al. 1993

5 Regional CO2/CO Emissions Ratios in Model
Regional CO2/CO signatures display a range of values reflecting the respective mix of source types

6 DC8 Flight 16 : Yokota Local 4
Measurements on this flight display distinct CO2/CO correlations

7 DC8 Flight 16 : Yokota Local 4
Ascent out of Japan (slope = 65) Boundary layer measurements off China (slope = 12) Measurements above 500 mb (slope = 60)

8 Regional Analysis of TRACE-P Measurements
To compare ensemble of TRACE-P measurements to model simulations : a) define flight regions b) Calculate regional mean CO2/CO ratio relative to background

9 CO2/CO Ratios for selected TRACE-P Flight Regions
Mean CO2/CO Ratio (s.d) (mol/mol) Region1 : Off-shore China ( > 850 mb) 25.1 (15.3) Region 2 : Over Japan (> 850 mb) 45.6 (24.8) All TRACE-P flights 40.9 (17.5) Mean CO2/CO ratios show an 80% difference between regions

10 GEOS-CHEM Simulations for TRACE-P
3-D Transport Model : GEOS-CHEM Resolution : (2o x 2.5o), 48 vertical levels CO2 simulation : Inventories detailed previously CO simulation : Palmer et al., 2002 A posteriori CO distribution derived from inversion of TRACE-P CO measurements

11 Analysis of Region 1: Flights off China
Mean CO2/CO = 25.1 Mean CO2/CO = 44.9 Discrepancies between modeled and observed CO2/CO ratios are due to overestimates of simulated CO2 and underestimates of simulated CO in the boundary layer

12 Regional Mean CO2/CO Ratios Comparison of GEOS-CHEM Model with TRACE-P Data
FLIGHT REGION TRACE-P Data GEOS-CHEM Model % Difference Offshore-China ( > 850 mb) 25.1 (15.3) 44.9 (18.2) 78 % Over Japan 45.6 (24.8) 56.7 (20.5) 24 % All Data (> 850 mb) 40.0 (17.5) 53.9 (13.6) 34 % Greatest discrepancy Modeled CO2/CO ratios higher than for the TRACE-P measurements. Most marked difference in Region1 off China

13 Which Emissions Source is too High ?
Region1 : Offshore China TRACE-P Observations GEOS-CHEM Model Mean ratio = 25.1 Mean ratio = 44.9 CO Modeled CO2/CO ratios higher than observations Modeled boundary layer CO2 is higher and CO is lower than observations Reconciliation of modeled CO2 with observed CO2 and CO2/CO ratios requires a reduction in a source with a high CO2/CO emissions ratio CO2 OBSERVATIONS MODEL

14 Impact on Modeled CO2/CO Ratio of Reducing an Emissions Source
Reduce SOURCE 1 which has a low CO2/CO ratio Reduce SOURCE 2 which has a high CO2/CO ratio Original model ratio New ratio SOURCE 2 Original model ratio SOURCE 2 New ratio CO2 CO2 SOURCE 1 SOURCE 1 CO CO New model ratio is higher than before New model ratio is lower than before

15 Scenarios of CO2 Source Emissions Reductions
Region1 : Offshore China Mean CO2/CO(mol/mol) OBSERVATIONS 24.4 Original Model 44.9 Reduce biospheric CO2 by 30% 35.1 Reduce fossil emissions by 30% 55.4 Reduce biomass burning by 30% 45.5 Mean CO2 vs Altitude Original Model A reduction in modeled biospheric CO2 emissions yields a closer match with CO2 and CO2/CO measurements Observations Model: Reduced biospheric emissions

16 Conclusions Observed CO2/CO correlations from the TRACE-P flight data display distinct correlations reflecting regional signatures Modeled correlations, analyzed on a regional basis, are consistently higher than in the observations; these differences can be ascribed to discrepancies in GEOS-CHEM simulations of both CO2 and CO A reduction in Asian biospheric CO2 emissions yields a closer match with observed CO2 and CO2/CO values A systematic evaluation of carbon fluxes using observed CO2/CO correlations will be analyzed in a formal inversion

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