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Welcome to Year 3 Teaching Assistants: Class Teachers:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3 Teaching Assistants: Class Teachers:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3 Teaching Assistants: Class Teachers:
Miss Horan Mrs Palmer-Ralph Mrs Gooneratne Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gentles Mrs Huseyin Mrs Hayes

2 Reading - End of year expectations

3 End of Year 3 expectations - Writing
By the end of Year 3, children are expected to : - Express time, place and cause using co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions - Begin to use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech - Draft and write using a varied and rich vocabulary and beginning to use a range of sentence structures - Draft and write by organising writing into paragraphs as a way of grouping related material

4 End of Year 3 expectations - Maths

5 End of Year 3 expectations - Maths
Times tables - 3’s, 4’s and 8’s

6 How to help your child at home.
Spelling Strategies:

7 How to help your child at home.
Spelling Strategies:

8 How to help your child at home.
Spelling Strategies:

9 How to help your child at home.
Spelling Strategies:

10 How to help your child at home.
Spelling Strategies:

11 How to help your child at home.
Spelling Strategies:

12 How to help your child at home.
Spelling Strategies:

13 How to help your child at home.
Spelling Strategies:

14 How to help your child at home.
Spelling Strategies:

15 Year 3 additional teachers
In Year 3 the children be taught the following subjects by our specialist teachers: PE – Mrs Swift French – Madame Townsend Music - BYMT teachers We have our planning time together every Wednesday afternoon. The classes will be taken by Mrs Hayes and Mrs Huseyin in 3H, Mrs Murgatroyd in 3P and Mrs Gupta in 3G.

16 Curriculum /Outdoor Learning
Our topics this year will include: Stone Age to the Iron Age, Where is the Best Place to Live, and Roman Britain Our Science topics this year will include: Rocks, Food and Our Bodies, Light, Plants, and Magnets This year, we will be continuing to enhance our curriculum provision for children across the school. One of our key priorities is to encourage our school community to engage more effectively with our outside spaces. We aim to use the outside space at school and around our local area more frequently to enhance the children’s learning. Lessons may take place outside and the children should be equipped for this, what ever the weather! As part of our PE curriculum, all the children will be taking part in a weekly Outdoor Adventurous Activities lesson, which may involve team building games, orienteering etc.

17 Our Outside Spaces Over the summer we have begun significant work on our school grounds. We have introduced a large sandpit, mounds, trenches and trails across the existing mound. The new additions to the field will play a part in enhancing the children’s learning when outside and aid in meaningful play at break times. The work is ongoing so watch out for new developments.

18 School Trips/Visitors
School trips and visitors: Autumn: Horniman Museum Spring: Science Museum Summer: Crofton Roman Villa We will also be doing an outdoor enrichment trip after half term which will be a campfire on the school grounds. Trips to London will be going ahead again, if relevant to the curriculum topic that the children are learning about. We will also be doing more outdoor projects to develop our school site such as bulb planting, growing vegetables, designing new features for the school grounds.

19 School Trips/Visitors
For your information, when your child is in Year 3, they will be given the option to sign up to the residential journey for when they are in Year 4. The residential is approximately £170 and is 3 days/2 nights. We have previously been to Hindleap Warren and Sayers Croft but we review the quality of the residential each year so they are subject to change. The trips are paid in 3 to 4 instalments and we will confirm the location and price around December time. The trip usually takes place in September of the children being in Year 4.

20 Reading Years 1-3 Reading records are to be handed in every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Reading record books are not checked daily and therefore any notes to the teacher should be addressed separately. Please ensure your child has a reading book in school every day for quiet reading times. Children should be encouraged to read every day for a minimum of 10 minutes at home and complete their reading record accordingly with a signature from an adult every week. Children will receive a bronze sticker for reading 3 times within the week; a silver for 4 times and a gold for 5 times. Children who are free readers must continue to record their reading in their records and bring these in to school. They can choose their reading books from home or from their class library.

21 Spelling KS2 This year, we are continuing to use a spelling programme called No Nonsense Spelling. There will be 2-3 short spelling lessons per week. Children’s spellings will be set every half term, alongside the homework menu. They will be set a spelling pattern and 5 words that they will be tested on. They need to investigate and find more words with the same spelling pattern for the following Friday. The weekly spelling test will comprise of words from the list that have been sent home to learn that week and some words that aren’t on the list, but follow the same spelling pattern, when relevant The weekly test will also include bonus words, which are taken from the national curriculum for their year group (the whole list can be found on the school website).

22 Homework Termly homework menus will be set with 10 options.
Children must complete at least one English and one maths activity. Homework must be completed in our new homework books – writing must be in pencil or blue handwriting pen only and sheets must be stuck in. Homework books are due in on a Wednesday and will be returned on a Friday. Homework should be completed at home, but in circumstances where this cannot happen homework club will be run at lunchtime on a Wednesday Homework certificate awards: Bronze = 5 pieces of homework Silver = 8 Gold = 10 Platinum = 10 and at least 2 challenges

23 Social media and E-safety
Children are taught one e-safety lesson every half term as part of the Computing curriculum and this includes how to report concerns about content and contact online. To support the your child you can: be open and involved in discussions with your children about what they do online use parental controls at home supervise your child’s use of Youtube model positive use of social media (e.g interacting with the school’s twitter feed) Social media for children is not permitted. The minimum age for apps and websites such as instagram, facebook and whatsapp is 13. Use of these apps breaches the Hayes home school agreement. If you have an e-safety concern, please contact the school immediately.

24 Key dates Autumn term parents’ evenings: Wednesday 5th December 2018 Thursday 6th December 2018 Both are from 3:40pm – 7:00pm Class assemblies: Friday mornings at 9:15am 3H: Friday 25 January P: Friday 8 February G: Friday 15 March 2019

25 Before and after school
It is important that children are on time. There are important early morning activities that children complete between 8:40 and 9:00am. Being late has an impact on the children’s learning. Going home: Children will only be permitted to go home with adults on their permissions list. Please inform the school in writing if you have a change in these or if you permit your child to walk to the gate/offsite by themselves.

26 Uniform, outdoor wear and PE kits
This half term, pupils can wear their winter or summer uniform. After October half term, only winter uniform should be worn. Shirts must be worn with ties. School shoes must be black, enclosed. No trainers please. Nail varnish is not permitted at school and hair accessories must be small and in school colours (navy, white, black or grey). Please ensure that all pieces of school uniform are labelled with your child’s name and their current class. Your child will need a named PE kit (including trainers/tracksuits for outdoor PE), an art apron and their book bag in school at all times. They also need wellingtons and a waterproof coat to do any outdoor learning and to access the field at lunchtimes.

27 Finally…… Please make sure your child is in school, every day and on time. If you need to speak to someone, please contact one of us in the first instance. We can help or direct your question or query elsewhere. Please remember we are completely nut free school (we have children with severe allergies) and snacks for break time should be fresh fruit. Please see the school website for key dates, learning information and homework.

28 Finally…… We are a school committed to safeguarding. If you have a safeguarding concern, please speak to one of the following members of staff:

29 SLT SLT member present to discuss: PTA Zoe Germain Attendance Pupil premium Home school agreement.

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