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Special Services Review

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1 Special Services Review
August - September 2018

2 Agenda Special Services Data New Forms ETR IEP
Cover Page Eligibility Page Special Ed Events Page Data Collection Form IEP Service Page Manifestation Determination 504 Plan Signature Page Sps Features Task Navigation Copy Task Info Banks & Codes Copy an Existing Page Text Editor Attachments Electronic Signature System Warning New Forms Form Summary Student Contacts Creating New Tasks + ETR Cover Page/ Planning Form IEP Cover Page Tool Tips Future Planning, Special Factors, Profile & Extended Services Postsecondary /Transition Progress Reports Measurable Annual Goals Progress Reports Specially Designed Services/Transportation Non-Academic and Extra Curricular Activities, General Factors, & Least Restrictive Environment District and State Testing Exemptions Meeting Participants

3 New Forms Summary of the Form Changes
New header - IEP vs. ETR (different for each) Adding rows/deleting options – any section that dynamically adds/removes rows on the form. Adding new parent contacts – student properties will allow up to 4 contacts read live from SI. Objectives vs. Benchmarks dynamic section. All outside links contained in the forms will work. Tool tips. 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee section dynamically adjusting based on chosen options. Graduation Testing section dynamically adjusting based on chosen options. Other Assessments section dynamically adjusting based on chosen options. ETR – Preschool Planning checkbox adjusting forms.

4 New Forms Summary of functionality
New Goal pages additions function the same as they currently do in the application. Must add each goal individually Complete checkboxes auto checking the sections on the Cover page. Must Check all boxes individually Cover page checkboxes auto checking the other options depending on what’s chosen. Must Check all boxes individually Visually impaired checkbox adding section 16 dynamically. Must add this form by clicking Add a Form New Progress Reports

5 New Forms Student Contacts
There will be a blue header shown by “primary” for each of the added contacts.  The arrows in each rectangle will allow the users to arrange the contacts in priority order.  The Add + button will allow users to open a dropdown containing the names of all the student’s listed contacts and then select and add them to the page.  Once all four possible contacts (if they have that many) are added, then the Add + is no longer displayed.

6 New Forms Student Contacts

7 New Forms Create New Task (+) Please choose the following:
New – Revised Forms 12/2017 Keep Current School Year Keep Current Grade Level *The School Year and Grade Level is what shows on Completed Tasks

8 New forms Tool Tips These tips match exactly how the ODE designed them. Tool tips appear as hover overs on fields. Fair warning some of the tip text is very lengthy!

9 New Forms ETR School Age
The Planning Form changes based on the IEP Cover Page selection.

10 New Forms ETR Preschool
The Planning Form changes based on the IEP Cover Page selection. ETR Preschool

11 New Forms IEP Cover Page
If “Yes” is checked for preschool, Section 11 will change to preschool.

12 New Forms IEP Cover Page
If “Yes” is marked for a student over the age of 14Yrs+ there will be no change to the IEP .

13 New Forms Cover Page Amendments
Will have an Electronic Signature for the AIEP in the initial section Sps 18.1 release

14 New Forms 1 Future Planning, 2 Special Instructional Factors, 3 Profile, & 4 Extended Services Extended Services moved to section 4

15 New Forms 5 Postsecondary Transition – 14 Yrs.+
This form is required for all students who are over the age of 14 yrs. within the IEP Effective Dates. New Transition Service Progress Report This report is to be completed and distributed as frequently as the IEP Progress Report.

16 New Forms 6 Measurable Annual Goals
The Progress Report that corresponds with the Annual Goals has been updated with new components: Data Resource refers to the method being used toward the goal. Refer to the Method Boxes A-K on the Goals Page Data Points refers to the number of times and the percentages of accuracy the child is presently performing toward mastering their annual goal. Additional Goal Pages still need to be added manually, by clicking on the +plus sign at the right of the form.

17 New forms Objectives/Benchmarks
Selecting the option of Objectives or Benchmarks in the dropdown will then populate the page with the corresponding table. Will be able to add/remove rows under each section Deleting rows moves all the tables/rows beneath up

18 New Forms Progress Reports – will be installed in August.
Data Resource refers to the method being used toward the goal. Refer to the Method Boxes A-K on the Goals Page Data Points refers to the number of times and the percentages of accuracy the child is presently performing toward mastering their annual goal. The progress reports currently have one (1) Reporting Period. The software developers are working on the ability to add reporting periods for each goal/objective.

19 New Forms 7 Descriptions of Specially Designed Services, 8 Transportation as a Related Service Will be able to add/remove rows under each section Deleting rows moves all the tables/rows beneath up This will eliminate the need for multiple forms

20 New Forms 9 NonAcademic and Extra curricular Activities,
10 General Factors, The 3rd Grade Reading Component has been added to this section 11 Least Restrictive Environment If Preschool is marked “Y” on the front page the, LRE section (11) is changed to questions for preschool.

21 New Forms 12 Statewide and District Wide Testing
Ohio AASCD Participation Criteria link used for every student being considered for Alternate Assessment. Link to ODE website added and will popup in a new window. District and State Testing now separate Text boxes

22 New Forms 12 Testing When “Yes” is checked the district and state textboxes will show as separate sections. Please note: that Date of Test and Grade Level are no longer required. Also the Date of Test and Grade Level are no longer required. There currently is no test types to choose from

23 New Forms Third Grade Exemptions Before Applicable is checked

24 New Forms Third Grade Exemptions After Applicable is checked

25 New Forms Graduation Tests When Applicable is checked.
Must choose a test Biology has now been added.

26 New Forms 14 Meeting Participants 15 Signatures
There will be a dropdown with Position titles to choose from on both the IEP and ETR. 15 Signatures Procedural Safeguard Notice – Textboxes reorganized. The ETR Signature Form will also have the same Position titles to choose from.


28 ETR Reporting ETR Cover Form - The Meeting Date on the ETR Cover Page denotes the start of the student’s Disability or a change in Disability. Eligibility Form- The disability code is selected from a drop down box. This also syncs with Student Properties.

29 ETR Reporting ETR Special Events Form requires the following:
Preschool Transition Conference Date and Outcome ID if Preschool Referral Meeting Date if an IETR Consent Date and Outcome ID for any IETR or RETR ETR Meeting Date – Auto Populates from the Cover Page, Outcome ID and Non-Compliance ID

30 ETR Reporting Data Collection Form
This form is created when clicking on Verify EMIS in Open Task.

31 IEP Reporting IEP Cover Page – The Meeting Date, Start Date and End are required.

32 IEP Reporting Service Page Related Services – Services must be selected from a drop down box. Each Service is required to have a Begin and End Date. Please note that the Transportation section also requires a Begin and End Date.

33 IEP Reporting IEP Events Page (Student under the age of 14 yrs.) – Must select ***Not Applicable for Secondary Planning. IEP Events Page (Student 14 yrs.+) – Must have a Secondary Planning in place.

34 IEP Reporting Data Collection Form
This form is created when clicking on Verify EMIS in Open Task.

35 Manifestation Determination & 504 Plan
Manifestation Determination Events Page – Requires a completion date 504 Plan Cover Page – Requires a Meeting Date 504 Signature Page – Required that check box “I give permission……. Checked.

36 EMIS Reporting The Verify EMIS is currently not working.
Please Do Not Complete Tasks until this feature is back up in Mid August. We will send out an to your Administrator


38 Task Navigation When a form is open, click on the Quick Navigation Menu. This will give access to the following: Task Navigation Supplemental Info (DataMap/Student Road Map) Copy Task Info Banks

39 Copy Task Info Open a Form Click on the Quick Navigation bar
Under Copy Task Info, select task Select Page and textbox On the form, click the field to which you wish to copy the task information. Click on the item from Copy Task info are Once copied you can edit the information *Please note you can only copy task information from the same student.

40 Banks There are two ways to access Banks
At the Menu select Manage Bank. Click on the Quick Navigation Menu when the form is open.

41 Bank Codes Code Text Inserted Example #first# Student’s first name
#first# will make accurate measurements using tools and technology. #first#’s Student’s first name possession #first#’s reading ability has improved. #he/she# Lowercase he or she When #he/she# is stressed, #first# will initiate appropriate interactions without modeling or prompts #He/She# Uppercase He or She #He/She# will make accurate measurements using appropriate tools and technology. #him/her# Lowercase him or her #first# is able to answer direct questions when they are signed and spoken to #him/her#. #Him/Her# Mix cased Him or Her N/A #his/hers# Lowercase his or hers #first# will alphabetize #his/her# spelling words with 80% accuracy. #His/Her# Mixed case His or Her #His/Her# regular classroom teacher will notify the special education teacher of any behavioral issues.

42 Copy an Existing Page Data can also be copied from any task by clicking on the paper icon on the far right of the form in Open Task Choose the Task and Form to copy form

43 Text Editor Most fields on a form have rich text formatting capabilities. When you click in any of these textboxes, the rich text toolbar displays at the top of the screen. *Please note when copying/pasting use the paste feature. This is the first 3 icons.

44 Attachments There are two ways to upload documents to the tasks:
Upload Page – loads to the bottom of the task Paper Clip – loads underneath each form *Please note: The documents must be a PDF file and no larger than 20 MB. .

45 Electronic Signature

46 System Warning The warning message that displays when your session expires has been changed to “WARNING: To prevent losing your changes you need to sign in immediately on the next page.”

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