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Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors’ Inc.

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1 Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors’ Inc.
Update: Activities The obligatory thanks for inviting us/me Some highlights Earl Fordham, Washington CRCPD Chair Organization of Agreement State Annual Meeting Milwaukee, Wisconsin August 27, 2012

2 What is the CRCPD? A professional organization:
Providing a common forum for governmental radiation protection agencies Assisting in assuring uniform radiation protection policies, regulations and activities • To have a common forum for the many governmental radiation protection agencies to communicate with each other • To assure uniform radiation protection policies, regulations and activities Promoting consistent radiation protection practices, Providing national leadership in radiation issues, Improving efficiency in providing radiation protection, and Enhancing relationship with members, stakeholders, and partners.

3 What Are Its Missions? To promote consistent radiation protection practices To provide national leadership in radiation issues To improve efficiency in providing radiation protection To enhancing relationships with members, stakeholders, and partners.

4 Current Partnerships FDA-CDRH NRC EPA DOE FEMA Homeland Security CDC
US Navy AAPM ACA ACR ASTRO DOD FRMAC ISRI Not inclusive Some in right columns are blended federals

5 2011 – 12 Activities “Go With the Guidelines” FACA changes
GAO interview about NRC – FEMA responsibilities around NPP Part 61 comments Go With the Guidelines campaign: to encourage hospitals and clinics to observe new guidelines on radiopharmaceutical dose for pediatric patients. FACA update: NRC just released their response letter. Policy change confirmed. MD 5.3 update GAO interview on NRC/FEMA responsibilities for NPP accident evacuation.

6 National Alliance for Radiation Readiness (NARR)...
Population Monitoring Tool Kit available on the NARR web site: Responding to a Radiation Emergency – A Population Monitoring Toolkit

7 Radiation Response Volunteer Corps update
CDC/CRCPD 5-year cooperative agreement for development and enhancement of the radiation volunteer program Grants to state radiation control programs & public health preparedness Outreach at meetings with radiation professionals Coordination with Medical Reserve Corps Build a sustainable action plan for continued use of the program and engagement of volunteers. The key to ‘handling’ population demands after ‘other’ nuclear emergencies. Practiced in NY Empire 09, created in 8 states, but the Corp is needed everywhere

8 CRCPD Grants Awards to 10 grantees so far
– cleared out this years’ funds Grant money available at the end of September New proposals due by November 1st The key to ‘handling’ population demands after ‘other’ nuclear emergencies. Practiced in NY Empire 09, created in 8 states, but the Corp is needed everywhere Over $250,000 available through CRCPD

9 Source Collection and Threat Reduction -SCATR
An initiative to reduce the amount of unused radioactive material stored by licensees.  In Cooperation CRCPD States Los Alamos National Lab DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration

10 Source Collection and Threat Reduction -SCATR
5th Year; new proposal under development 8,844 sources currently registered (up from 4,500 in 2011) Latest work: NE United States/Atlantic compact & Ra-226 nationwide Clive Class A sealed source roundup about to start Contact: Jim Very successful program: sources, including the Florida pilot, have been disposed.

11 Orphan Source & SCATR Orphan Source – Funded by NRC
Emphasis on safety of general public Removal from uncontrolled environment to controlled with knowledgeable oversight. Depending on source and circumstances disposal or recycle/reuse may be optimum disposition SCATR – Funded by USDOE GTRI Emphasizes security of unwanted sources Sources in a controlled environment, just no longer desired, Disposal is optimal security precaution

12 Medical Events Tracking
Non-Materials Medical Events Tracking Established a committee to develop a pilot project to collect data on radiation machine-based events from state radiation control programs that will take into account states differences in laws/regulations regarding reporting and confidentiality.   Chaired by Jennifer Elee (Louisiana) Several activities have occurred regarding efforts to address medical therapy events. Adela Salame-Alfie represented CRCPD at the Food and Drug Administration’s public meeting: Device Improvements to Reduce the Number of Under-doses, Over-doses, and Misaligned Exposures from Therapeutic Radiation. Also, the H-38 Committee on Non-Radioactive Material Medical Events Tracking in Miami, Florida, in conjunction with “Safety in Radiation Therapy,” a meeting sponsored by the American Society for Radiation Oncology and the American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Jennifer Elee and Debbie Gilley from CRCPD will be speaking at the conference. • Board members Michael Gilley (chair), Adela Salame-Alfie (past-chair) and Alice Rogers (chair-elect) and I plan to meet with several of our federal partners in August, during the week of the OAS/CRCPD briefing of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. • The new edition of “Accreditation Criteria for Calibration Criteria” has been completed and is available for download on the CRCPD website. As you can see, it’s starting

13 Medical Events Tracking update (from H-38)
Pilot conducted July – October Minor changes to reporting forms made afterwards. December 2011: All program directors were sent forms, the definition of event and instructions on how to report. 2011 Results: 29 therapy events from seven states; two more states had no events to report. Consequence Severity: 20 minor; 7 none; only 1 moderate requiring additional hospital stay. In 2012: forms are on the web site, encouragement to report events as they happen; not only at end of year. And make available to interested parties

14 Homeland Security CRCPD’s Centralized Access to Resources
CDC- Guidance and Training Homeland Security – National Response Plan Department of Justice - Terrorism Federal Bureau of Investigation National Resource Framework - Guidance Nuclear Regulatory Commission – RDD Information Veteran Health Administration – Strategic Healthcare WMD Courses One stop shopping on homeland security Very active Council

15 Indoor Radon Upcoming 22nd National Radon Training Conference
October 14th – 17th in Las Vegas, Nevada SIRG funding is in Congressional limbo Blind testing for quality/accuracy of testing devices “Radon leaders Saving Lives” Campaign Exhibited at National Conference of State Legislators An online learning and action network supporting the Radon Leaders Saving Lives Campaign. 2012 Radon Hero: Bill Bell, Massachusetts

16 NRC Working Groups (with your help)
10 CFR Part 40 Interagency Jurisdiction Part 37 Working Group and sub groups Web-Based Licensing Standing Committee on Compatibility Adequacy & Compatability Policy FACA Policy change implications Based upon the NRC’s current web site listing

17 New Documents (available on our website)
NEXT Trifold Computed Tomography 2005 – 2006 Preliminary Summary, July 2012 (CT) Inspection Checklist for State Regulators (template), July 2012 Proceedings of the 44th Annual National Conference on Radiation Control

18 Qualified Medical Physicist (QMP) Registry
Site is active: Provides information on: Certification Area of certification City State Make your job easier when verifying Training and Experience. 18

19 45th Annual Meeting May 20-23, 2013 Portland, Oregon
National Conference on Radiation Control May 20-23, 2013 Portland, Oregon 19

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