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Chapter 13.

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1 Chapter 13

2 The Corrupt Bargain of 1824 Presidential election of 1824 4 candidates

3 John Quincy Adams Intelligent Experienced Kind of a jerk
Daddy was pres.

4 Henry Clay

5 William Crawford

6 Andrew Jackson Hero of the War of 1812 Awesome.

7 All 4 Republicans. No one wins majority of the electoral college
Jackson sweeps popular vote (west) Goes to the House of Representatives (top 3 candidates)

8 Clay eliminated But is the Speaker of the House.
Where the election is happening.

9 Crawford has a stroke.

10 Clay hated Jackson

11 Clay supports Adams

12 Adams wins Okay, that’s fine.
But then, Adams announces his new Secretary of State Henry Clay.

13 Jackson angry to say the least
Jacksonians complain for 4 years about the “corrupt bargain”

14 John Quincy Adams “a chip off the old family glacier”
Enjoyed swimming naked in the Potomac River Fewer than 1/3rd of voters had chosen him

15 John Q as President Nationalist when many Americans were becoming increasingly sectional Attempted to organize westward expansion Tried to treat Indians fairly (gasp)

16 Election of 1828 “The presidential campaign for Andrew Jackson had started early The day of John Quincy Adams’s controversial election”

17 Republican party splitting
National-Republicans- Adams Democratic-Republicans- Jackson


19 Jackson as President

20 Spoils System Rewarding political supporters with public offices
People began buying offices Contributed to the dominance of political parties

21 The “Tariff of Abominations”
North loved tariffs South hated them

22 In South Carolina… People began calling for secession


24 Nullification In SC, failed to get 2/3rds vote to nullify law
Congress passed a new tariff in 1832

25 “Nullies v. Unioninsts”
Nullies got the 2/3rds vote in SC state Congress Tariff declared null and void in SC

26 Jackson’s response Prepares military Henry Clay steps in to compromise

27 Compromise Tariff of 1833 Gradually reduce Tariff of 1832 by about 10% over 8 years Everyone agreed but very angry

28 Force Bill “Bloody Bill”
Authorized the president to use the army and navy to collect federal tariff duties

29 Trail of Tears 125,000 Indians living east of the MS River in 1820s

30 1790s: Washington Recognized the sovereignty of Indian nations
“civilizing”: Christianizing Literacy Agricultural/vocational instruction

31 “Five Civilized Tribes”
Cherokee Creeks Choctwas Chickaswas Seminoles

32 Cherokee 1827: Constitution Cherokee written language
Sedentary farmers Plantations: 1,300 slaves

33 Georgia: 1828 Claimed Indian lands Cherokee appealed to Supreme Court
Supreme Court upheld the rights of the Indians 3 times

34 Jackson says “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it”

35 1830: Indian Removal Act Trail of Tears


37 Black Hawk War Davis and Lincoln Seminoles

38 The Bank “War” National Bank: Almost a 4th branch of government
Essentially controls American economy Private institution

39 Nicholas Biddle President of Bank “Tsar Nicholas I”

40 Bank War 1832 Henry Clay tries to make it an election issue
Bill for renewing charter

41 Jackson’s response: The Bank is trying to kill me, but I will kill it.”

42 Election of 1832

43 3rd Party Anti-Masonic (also anti-Mason)

44 Jackson wins

45 Burying the bank Jackson not content with just vetoing bank
Removes all federal deposits

46 Pet/Wildcat banks Federal money put in small banks
Sometimes a few chairs and a suitcase full of printed money “Wildcat currency” became very unreliable

47 Panic of 1837 Decree that public lands had to be purchased with “hard specie”

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