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User needs and practices

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1 User needs and practices

2 Overview Types of users Types of uses

3 Types of users Users of methodology Users of data Adminstrative
Statistical authorities Researchers Analysts Users of data Adminstrative European institutions International institutions National authorities Non-administrative Non-financial enterprises Financial institutions Other users

4 Users of methodology Statistical authorities Researchers Analysts
– National Statistical Institutes – Finance Ministries – Central Banks Researchers Analysts

5 Users of data (administrative)
European institutions DG– forecasts, assessment, enlargement DG ECFIN – economic and fiscal developments policy formulation Other Directorates-General – DG COMP (Competition) concerning data on state aid; – DG REGIO (Regional policy) concerning data on government expenditure by region. European Central Bank – Monetary policy, financial stability

6 Users of data (administrative)
International institutions International cooperation - UN Statistics Division - International Monetary Fund (IMF) - World Bank - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Consistency of methodology - System of National Accounts and ESA - IMF GFS manual and ESA Manual on Government Deficit and Debt Timeliness, reporting burden - Exchange of data with IMF and OECD

7 Framework for analysis and policy
The structure of a total economy: value added and employment by industry; value added and employment by region; income distributed by sector; imports and exports by product group; final consumption expenditure by functional heading and product group; fixed capital formation and fixed capital stock by industry; the composition of the stocks and flows of financial assets by type of asset and by sector.

8 Framework for analysis and policy
Specific parts or aspects of an economy banking and finance in the national economy; the role of government and its financial position; the economy of a specific region (in comparison to that of the nation as a whole); household saving and debt levels.

9 Framework for analysis and policy
Development of an economy over time the analysis of GDP growth rates; the analysis of seasonal patterns in household expenditure on the basis of quarterly accounts; the analysis of particular types of financial instruments over time, e.g. financial derivatives; the comparison of the industrial structures of the national economy over the long term.

10 Framework for analysis and policy
A total economy in relation to other economies the comparison of the roles and size of government in the Member States of the EU; the analysis of the interdependencies between the economies of the EU, taking into account Member States and their regions; the analysis of the composition and destination of the exports of the EU; the comparison of GDP growth rates or disposable income per capita in the EU and other developed economies.

11 Framework for analysis and policy
Determining the own resources of the EU Budget the total resources for the EU are determined as a percentage of the sum of Member States’ gross national incomes (GNI); the third own resource of the EU is the VAT own resource; the relative sizes of the contributions by the Member States for the fourth own resource of the EU are based on their gross national income estimates.

12 Thank you for your attention

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