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Chapter 3.1 – Drawing Vectors

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1 Chapter 3.1 – Drawing Vectors

2 What is a Vector? A quantity that has both a magnitude and direction. Ex: displacement, velocity, acceleration, force You will need protractors and graph paper for this Chapter.

"A bag of candy is located outside the classroom. To find it, displace yourself 20 meters." "A bag of candy is located outside the classroom. To find it, displace yourself from the center of the classroom door 20 meters in a direction 30 degrees to the west of north."

4 REPRESENTING VECTORS The magnitude and complete direction are shown on a vector diagram. Vectors are represented by arrows, with the arrowhead pointing in the direction of the vector. A scale is listed for the magnitude. All vectors have a “head and a tail”

5 Representing the Magnitude of a Vector

6 Describing Directions for Vectors
We can divide vectors into 4 quadrants Within each quadrant, we still need to describe a vector, using an angle with a direction.

7 North of West North of East South of West South of East

8 Describing Angles- Using a Reference Point
Vector on the left can be described as 40 degrees northeast. **Measure the angle between the horizon and the vector, counter-clockwise Describe the direction of the vector on the right.

9 CLASSWORK Using graph paper and a protractor, complete Chapter 3 Worksheet #1.

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