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Town of Broadway Fiscal Year 2019 Budget May 1, 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Town of Broadway Fiscal Year 2019 Budget May 1, 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Town of Broadway Fiscal Year 2019 Budget May 1, 2018

2 Revenues Overview % Change from Previous Year
General Fund $2,016, % Water Fund $665, % Sewer Fund $3,521, %

3 Water Plant Upgrade

4 General Fund Highlights Revenue
Real estate rate remains unchanged at $.07. Sales tax continues to steadily rise each year. This is anticipated to continue with the new commercial development in the County. Personal Property revenue remain steady. Initially proposed 5% trash/recycling inc.

5 Curb-side recycling will be discontinued as of July 1.
Proposed rate was increasing over 63%. Total cost would be $7.56 per billing. Less than 50% participation rate Town wide. Minus recycling, trash rate will be decreasing by $.06 per month. No increase. Current rate is 8.69 for trash, 2.32 for recycling. New rate is $10.95 trash, recycling is Total current 11.01, new trash 10.95

6 General Fund Revenues

7 General Fund Highlights Expenditures
Street Maintenance continues to account for a significant portion of fund. Third Street improvements and Turner Avenue Sidewalk projects planned. No additional employees planned. New police vehicle; new computers for cars, K9.

8 General Fund Cont. New roof on Community Center.
New Main Street Christmas Lights.

9 General Fund Expenditures

10 Water Fund Revenue 5% Increase as of July 1, following with financial analysis from Davenport. Average $2.40 per billing (two months) increase. $.99 increase on minimum users per billing.

11 Water Fund Revenues

12 Water Fund Expenditures
Operating expenses similar to this year with only a .95% increase. Complete water plant upgrade in the spring of 2019.

13 Sewer Fund Revenues Last year of small increase per Davenport analysis. Industrial customers, as well as New Market and Timberville rates increase July 1.

14 Sewer Fund Revenues

15 Sewer Fund Expenditures
New plant, no significant capital expenditures. Significant on-going expenses include: utilities, sludge removal, chemicals and debt service. Misc. line and repair work around Town.

16 Summary FISCAL YEAR 2019 BUDGET FY 2019 Revenue: Proposed General Fund
$ ,016,300 Water Fund $ ,750 Sewer Fund $ ,521,500 Total Revenue $6,203,550 Expenditures: General Fund: General/Administrative $ ,300 Public Safety $ ,500 Highways & Streets $ ,000 Parks & Recreation $ ,700 Sanitation $ ,800 Debt Service $ ,500 Enterprise Funds: Total Expenditures

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