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Legislative Branch.

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Presentation on theme: "Legislative Branch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legislative Branch

2 Representative Democracy
Representative Democracy: A democracy in which the citizens elect officials who make political decisions and create new laws and programs for the good of the public. Democracy: Everyone equally debates and votes on all laws for the society as a whole. Republic: is another term for a representative democracy. It is also refered to when states come together equally to form a larger country such as the United States of America. Brainstorm: What are the pros and cons of having a representative democracy instead of a democracy?

3 Legislative Branch system
Senate: 2 representatives from each state is sent to congress to vote on laws on the national level. House of Representatives: Representatives from each state depending on the population of the state. The most populated states send the most of amount of representatives. 200 districts 435 total representatives Laws need to be voted on in both houses (The senate and the house of representatives) in order to become a law.



6 Answer the Essential Question and Define the Essential Terms in your notebook.
EQ: What is the difference between a republic and a representative democracy? Essential Terms: Representative democracy Impeach Pardon Power Filibuster

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