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Proposal submission and evaluation

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1 Proposal submission and evaluation
23/02/2019 Procurement Session Summary Paul Thomas Barcelona, 28th of October 2008 Presentation IP - Heysel 1

2 What’s in it for us? European Union CN IN RF KO JP US Overall sharing: EU 5/11, other six parties 1/11 each. Overall contingency of 10% of total. Total amount: 3577 kIUA (5079 MEuro-2007) ….. at ~8%!!!

3 The Procurement Chain – how do we fit in?

4 For Europe? ITER may have a strong economic impact in Europe in the short, medium and long term and we need : to ensure fair and transparent competition (no juste retour) among European companies (with possible calls for tenders worldwide), to motivate firms all over Europe to join us in this exceptional scientific, technical and industrial challenge. We have a duty to make ITER work!

5 F4E - : Our Procurement Policy
Our procurement system and legal framework is European Commission compatible but will evolve in 2009. ‘Best value for money’ will be our policy (with a strong cost awareness <> price, and a pragmatic assessment of risks).

6 F4E - : Our Procurement Policy
(Grants and Procurement) Grants: Grants are direct financial contributions from F4E in order to finance research actions in support of F4E tasks. Co-financing and non-profit rules are mandatory in accordance with F4E financial regulation. Procurements: These are contracts, for pecuniary interest, concluded between economic operators and F4E in order to obtain the supply of assets, the execution of works or the provision of services for the implementation of the F4E tasks. Contracts shall comply with the principles of transparency, proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination.

7 F4E - : Our Procurement Policy
(Some principles) Participation in the F4E's procurement procedures shall be open to economic operators that are established in the territory of a Member of the F4E or open world wide if decided by the Director. Contracts shall comply with the principles of transparency, proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination. Contracts shall be put out to tender on the broadest possible base. In awarding the contracts, procurement procedures shall usually take one of the following forms: open procedure, restricted procedure, competitive dialogue, negotiated procedure.

8 (supports for action and results)
F4E - : Our Procedures (supports for action and results) Open procedure : all economic operators may submit a tender. Restricted procedure :  2 phases call for expression of interest / market survey, call for tender. Competitive dialogue : for particularly complex contracts, collaboration with Industry to clarify specifications. Negotiated procedure : below 250 k€ , Above 250 k€ for exceptional cases. Tenders published on :

9 F4E - : Our Relations With Industry
For F4E : Industry is more than a supplier and may be a ‘partner. F4E will be listening to suppliers directly or through Industrial Liaison Officers (ILO)  regular meetings. F4E will provide as much information, in good time as needed for a mutual understanding  good contracting. F4E will take Industry into consideration for possible inflexions on ‘touchy’ questions such as : Terms of payment, Insurance, Liabilities (nuclear and conventional and consequential), Conflicts of Interest, IPR.

10 F4E - : Going further in 2009 Planned actions for 2009 :
(ambition and pragmatism) Planned actions for 2009 : Web based Industry Database Work Programme with a Web based list of scheduled Call for expression of interest and call for tenders Development of our contacts with Industry (through ILO) Creation of a Business Intelligence Group Management of IP to go from a mere owner logic towards a public entrepreneurial policy Launch of a Policy for Innovative SMEs Assessment of suppliers with an International impact Upstream market survey

11 We (IO and F4E) need to work very hard on communications.
Final Thoughts We (IO and F4E) need to work very hard on communications. We in EU need to engage in Wolf-Dieter’s centres for excellence - intelligence We (F4E and IO) need to hone and improve our precurement instruments.

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