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DNA, Mitosis, & Meiosis Review

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1 DNA, Mitosis, & Meiosis Review

2 Nucleotide Base – Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine, Uracil
Sugar – Deoxyribose(DNA) or Ribose (RNA) Phosphate

3 It’s all about the… BASE PAIR RULE Adenine + Thymine
Cytosine + Guanine


5 DNA The order of the nucleotides is the determining factor in the expression of genes in organisms (your traits!) AATGCTTAGGCTGCATTGGAAAACGTAAGTT

6 DNA Replication DNA replication is the process through which cells copy DNA for transmission to daughter cells during cell division The double helix structure allows DNA to easily unzip down the center between nitrogenous bases Free floating nucleotides attach to each of the separated DNA strands forming 2 new strands of DNA, each an exact copy of the original

7 mutation A mutation is an unexpected change in a DNA sequence, usually occurring during replication/division

8 DNA Chromosome: A compact spool of DNA Humans have 46 chromosomes
23 from father 23 from mother

9 DNA DIPLOID = two sets (full set) of DNA
Humans: 46 chromosomes – body cells for growth and repair HAPLOID = one set (half set) of DNA Humans: 23 chromosomes – gametes (sperm & eggs)

10 Parent Cell 2 Daughter Cells
The original cell is called the parent cell; 2 new cells are called daughter cells Before cell division occurs , the cell replicates (copies) all of its DNA, so each daughter cell gets complete set of genetic information from parent cell Each daughter cell is exactly like the parent cell – same kind and number of chromosomes as the original cell 2 Daughter Cells Parent Cell

11 DNA DNA is located in the nucleus and controls all cell activities including cell division Long and thread-like DNA in a non-dividing cell is called chromatin Doubled, coiled, short DNA in a dividing cell is called chromosome Consists of 2 parts: chromatid and centromere


13 Coils up into chromosomes
Chromatin Coils up into chromosomes Duplicates itself

14 Mitosis Mitosis – division of the nucleus into 2 nuclei, each with the same number of chromosomes Mitosis occurs in all the somatic (body) cells

15 Phases Mitosis Meiosis Interphase Interphase I Prophase Prophase I
Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis Interphase I Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Cytokinesis I Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II Cytokinesis II

16 Chromosome Appearance & Location
Phase Chromosome Appearance & Location Important Events Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis DNA replication, cell grows and replicates organelles DNA copies itself; chromatin Nuclear envelope disappears, spindle fibers form Chromosomes coil up Chromosomes line up in the middle Spindle fibers connect to chromosomes Spindle fibers pull chromosome copies apart to opposite poles Chromosome copies divide and move apart Nuclear envelopes reform, 2 new nuclei are formed, spindle fibers disappear Chromosomes uncoil back into chromatin Division of the rest of the cell: cytoplasm and organelles Chromatin

17 When chromatin scrunches together it is called a

18 This spot that holds the 2 chromatid copies together is called a

19 Phase of the cell cycle in which the nuclear membrane is present and DNA is spread out into chromatin. interphase

20 Type of cell division that results in 2 identical daughter cells.

21 This network of fibers that attach and pull the chromosomes apart are called______________
Spindle fibers

22 This cell is in __________________

23 This phase of the cell cycle is ______________

24 This phase of the cell cycle is ________________ metaphase

25 Phase of the cell cycle cell’s spend most of their time in.

26 Disorder in which body cells lose their ability to control cell division

27 One of 2 identical arms that make up a chromosome

28 Phase of mitosis in which the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappear and the DNA condenses into chromosomes. prophase

29 These structures at the poles which attach to the spindle fibers and pull the chromosomes.

30 This cell is in ___________

31 This cell is in __________ telophase
The cell above is a _________ cell. animal plant Plant You can see the cell plate forming in center instead of a cleavage furrow.

32 The very first dividing phase is _______________

33 Cleavage furrow This is called a This cell is _____________ cell.
an animal a plant an animal Plants don’t have cleavage furrows.

34 Phase of mitosis where the cytoplasm splits into 2

35 Meiosis Gametes (sperm/egg), on the other hand, contain only a single set of chromosomes Thus, they have only a single set of genes These cells are called haploid

36 Meiosis Meiosis is a process of reduction division where the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half through the separation of chromosomes

37 Meiosis Each chromosome from mom pairs with it’s corresponding chromosome from dad This structure is called a tetrad. Tetrads contain 4 chromatids.

38 Meiosis Crossing over –
during Meiosis I : Prophase I, when homologous chromosomes are paired together, there are points along the chromosomes that make contact with the other pair. These points of contact can allow the exchange of genetic information between chromosomes.

39 Meiosis There’s NO chromosome replication before prophase II.
no interphase for Meiosis II Cytokinesis I  Prophase II

40 Gamete Formation In females, normally only 1 of the 4 haploid cells becomes an egg (has most of the cytoplasm). The other 3 cells are called polar bodies and do not take part in reproduction

41 *In both mitosis and meiosis the cell divides.
Mitosis vs Meiosis 1 round of cell division Results in 2 genetically identical daughter cells Diploid= 2N Somatic (body)Cells 2 rounds of cell division Results in 4 different daughter cells Haploid= N Involved in gamete formation *In both mitosis and meiosis the cell divides.

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