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RID Lead Together 2017 Conference July 20 – July 24, 2017

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1 RID Lead Together 2017 Conference July 20 – July 24, 2017

2 Purpose Create an environment for members to collaborate and identify strategic recommendations on how to solve organizational problems at the local, state, and national level. Strategic recommendations stem from plenary presentations and small group discussions and will be used in the strategic planning process.

3 Discovering the Keys to a Purpose-Driven Future Wing Butler
All of history is relevant to the present moment Personal, Societal, Organizational Who is hiring RID? As a member run organization what do we hire RID to do? Changing trends impact RID How does the membership create a responsive and relevant organization

4 Strategic Recommendations
Determine what RID is responsible for and narrow it's focus to such. Partner with relevant organizations to better serve the membership and further the interpreting field. Transparency and accuracy in communication with the membership through PR, updates, issues, etc.

5 Learning from Organizational Life Cycles Heather Harker
Organizational Assessment applied to RID in order to become more relevant and responsive Stages of Decline: Begin, Grow, Sustain, Decline, Renew or Dissolve Where is RID and how can we Renew rather than Dissolve How can leadership in any position contribute to local, state, and national change?

6 Strategic Recommendations
Partner with agencies experienced in working with the Federal Government to promote laws conducive to our field, membership, and clientele. Delegate to and provide support for Associate Chapters so our field has a strong base of leaders. A more narrowly focused RID mission should be used as the litmus test for organizational proposals.

7 Leadership: Influencing Organizational Change Heather Harker
Volunteer leadership at every level of RID – affiliate chapters, member sections, committees, councils, task forces, national board, etc. - can influence change. Separating one's role in the organization and one's personal self as two distinct identities, with concern towards power and perspective, leads to opportunities of change. Adaptive work, changing values, beliefs, roles, relationships and approaches must be done in order to then approach technical work, problem definition, solution, and implementation.

8 Strategic Recommendations
Customer service department for problems and issues separate from member service department/issues. Delegate to and provide support for Associate Chapters so our field has a strong base of leaders. Provide more leadership training to local chapters and allow for upward mobility within the organization.

9 Unpacking Power and Privilege Carla Shird
Privilege is inherent in society and taken for granted. Discrimination happens when we act on prejudices stemming from an imbalance of power and privilege in our personal, cultural, or organizational lives. Diverse faces of leadership are important to inspire future generations. Are you using your power/privilege for support and service? Analysis of the self to identify one's power and privilege will lead to inclusive behavior, not just inclusive language

10 Strategic Recommendations
Create language for brave spaces within organization to start inclusive discussions for behavior change. Include diverse faces of leadership in PR materials, especially f.or recruitment Provide organizational support for diverse backgrounds

11 Unpacking & Investigating Our Responsibility Within an Inherited System of Unequalized Power: the Interpreter and Deaf “Consumer” Relationship Carla Shird & Jonathan Webb Guiding principles while striving to be service providers and allies: Do No Harm, Cooperating no co-opting, togetherness Interpreter paradigm Resistor Talking about how we think, both consciously and unconsciously, impacts how we engage our power and priviledge.

12 Strategic Recommendations
Make space to listen to NAD, accept responsibility, and partner Leadership training for ACs on power and priviledge Allow seat at the table for diverse backgrounds Standard practice papers to include sections by and for people of color

13 A Member Driven Organization: The Action Continuum Revisited and Revisioned Jonathan Webb
Individual and Collective responsibility to recognize when there are barriers being created in relationship and institutional effectiveness. Avoid being complicit in the system of oppression: actively participating, denying or ignoring, not taking action Become a part of the system of liberation: educating self, educating others, supporting/encouraging, initiating change/preventing oppression This is a daily process.

14 Strategic Recommendations
RID develop and provide outlined material with visual support able to be tailored to local chapters as a tool for AC's to use in recruitment of marginalized groups. AC's set up a group for the purpose of recruitment.

15 Applied Leadership Ritchie Bryant, Mish Ktejik, Joshua Pennise
You can learn to make the most of your capacity to impact the world around you. Practical strategies for conference facilitators and leadership roles within the interpreting field and RID. Foster a collective view of leadership Discuss ways to encourage optimism and connecting with our potential as a community Shared responsibility Resiliency

16 Strategic Recommendations
Consolidate & Disseminate LEAD track to AC's PR for Board to remind membership all leadership is volunteer and we are all human, “we are RID” Diversify the Board/organization through recruitment Positive PR

17 Translating wisdom into Action: Where Do We Go From Here? Melvin Walker
Strategic Planning Process Strategic Recommendations made and collected during the LEAD conference will be organized by themes and provided to the membership for review Feedback will be collected and used to define priorities and begin organizational recovery Strategic Recommendations were ed out to the membership Sept 27 and can be found on NMRID's website.

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