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Assessing Likelihood of Development in Countywide Corridors

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing Likelihood of Development in Countywide Corridors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing Likelihood of Development in Countywide Corridors
presented to Fauquier County Department of Community Planning presented by UVA Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems August 27, 2007

2 This presentation reports a current research effort of The University of Virginia’s Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems in support of Virginia Department of Transportation

3 Overview Motivation Problem Statement Methodology Case Study
Discussion Questions

4 Motivation Emphasis on transportation/land-use interaction
Rising ROW cost Significant uncertainty surrounding development VDOT must anticipate future development in corridors and take timely action: Corridor Protection Over 9000 miles of interstate and primary roads in VA

5 VDOT Problem Statement
Develop a repeatable, GIS-based methodology to identify and prioritize at-risk countywide corridors in need of corridor protection strategies. Demonstrate the methodology in Fauquier, VA.

6 Granting too much access Disrupting land owners
Early Efforts Literature Review Corridor Protection Access Management Early ROW Acquisition Network Design What needs to be ‘protected’ ? Identification Prioritization Risks of Failure Granting too much access Increasing cost of ROW Disrupting land owners Over-planning

7 Early Efforts Steering Committee Meeting, 2/6/2007
Fauquier Planning Department Rappahannock Rapidan Regional Commission Fauquier Chamber of Commerce VDOT Transportation and Mobility Division (TMPD) Meeting with Fauquier County Planning Dept, 3/12/2007 Corridor identification Acquisition of GIS layers

8 Early Efforts VDOT TMPD, 3/28/2007 HIGH RISK Population Centers
LOW RISK Public land Wetlands Conservation Easements Ag and Forestal Districts HIGH RISK Population Centers Employment Utilities Vacant Land Undervalued Land Transportation

9 Suitability Analysis

10 Ian McHarg landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, and ecological design

11 Suitability Analysis

12 Applications of Suitability Analysis
UPLAN: A Versatile Urban Growth Model for Transportation Planning (Johnston and Shabazian, 2002) Characterizing urban land capacity (Landis, 2001) Smart Land-Use Analysis: The LUCIS Model (Zwick and Carr, 2007) An approach for greenway suitability analysis (Miller et al., 1998) Forecasting exurban development to evaluate the influence of land use policies on wildland and farmland conservation (Merenlender et al., 2005)

13 Assessing Likelihood of Development in Countywide Corridors Fauquier County, VA

14 Statewide Overview

15 Fauquier County Overview
Beyond D.C. suburbs Rural character Service Districts Six major corridors

16 Fauquier Corridors

17 Fauquier Parcels 32,000 Parcels

18 Suitability Analysis Step 1 – Identify Indicators A – Low-risk parcels
B – Parcels near major corridors C – Parcels near intersections of major corridors D – Parcels near population centers E – Parcels near employment centers Step 2 – Normalize Indicators Step 3 – Weight and Combine Indicators Step 4 – Analyze Results

19 Step 1A Identify Low Risk Parcels

20 Identify Low Risk Parcels
Conservation Easements Parks and Schools Agricultural and Forestal Districts Low Risk Parcels Source: Fauquier County Department of Community Development; VDOT TPMD

21 Step 1B Identify Parcels Near Major Corridors

22 Identify Parcels Near Major Corridors

23 Identify Parcels Near Major Corridors

24 Identify Parcels Near Major Corridors

25 Step 1C Identify Parcels Near Intersections of Major Corridors

26 Raster Algebra

27 What’s a raster? Raster Vector

28 Sample Raster Algebra 3 3 + 3 3 3 3 3 6 = 3

29 Identify Parcels Near Intersections of Major Corridors

30 Step 1D Identify Parcels Near Population Centers

31 Identify Parcels Near Population Centers

32 Identify Parcels Near Population Centers
Source: 2000 US Census

33 Identify Parcels Near Population Centers

34 Identify Parcels Near Population Centers

35 Identify Parcels Near Population Centers

36 Identify Parcels Near Population Centers

37 Step 1E Identify Parcels Near Employment Centers

38 Identify Parcels Near Employment Centers

39 Identify Parcels Near Employment Centers
2,375 17,500 150 30 5 Employees Source: Virginia Employment Commission, 2006

40 Identify Parcels Near Employment Centers

41 Identify Parcels Near Employment Centers

42 Identify Parcels Near Employment Centers

43 Identify Parcels Near Employment Centers

44 Step 2 Normalize Indicators

45 Raster Algebra, Reclassification
3 1 2 3 3 3 3  2 0  1

46 Normalize Indicators: Distance

47 Normalize Indicators: Intersections

48 Normalize Indicators: Population Centers

49 Normalize Indicators: Employment Centers

50 Normalize Indicators: Low Risk Parcels

51 Step 3 Weight and Combine Indicators

52 Sample Raster Algebra 3 3 + 3 3 3 3 3 x 1/3 x 2/3 1 = 1 2 2 3 1

53 Weight and Combine Indicators
x +

54 Weight and Combine Indicators

55 Step 4 Analyze Results

56 Analyze Results US-211 US-17 US-29 US-28 PR-50 I-66R

57 Analyze Results

58 Analyze Results

59 Analyze Results Field visits
Context sensitive corridor protection strategies

60 Discussion Pros Easy to implement Data readily available
Visual, easily understandable Cons Not a calibrated model Weights are subjective Results are relative; index is unitless

61 Future Work Allocate likelihood of development by land use
Account for developed and vacant land Incorporate property assessment data Vary the results by changing the weights Conduct additional analysis of results

62 Contributions Process for risk assessment  and management in planning transportation corridors Synthesis of available literature Collection and evaluation of relevant databases Demonstration of the Fauquier Case Study Recommendations for risk mitigation for transportation agencies

63 Questions and Discussion

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