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Isolating CD8+ T cells from lupus-prone mice.

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1 Isolating CD8+ T cells from lupus-prone mice.
Isolating CD8+ T cells from lupus-prone mice. (A) Gating strategy (presort) and results (postsort) for flow cytometric isolation of CD8+ T cells from wild type B6 and TLR7tg brain and spleen. Discrimination of cells in the parenchyma (tissue) from those in the vasculature (blood) was performed only for brain lymphocytes. Splenic lymphocytes were first positively pre-enriched for CD8α. (B) Absolute count of brain CD8+ T cells of animals from (A) with mean and SD listed. (C) CD8+/CD4+ T cell ratio in the brain of animals from (A). Error bars indicate mean + SD. Student t test, unpaired (B) or paired (C). *p ≤ 0.05, ***p ≤ Peter A. Morawski, and Silvia Bolland ImmunoHorizons 2019;3:61-70 ©2019 by American Association of Immunologists

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