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Mentoring and Observations

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1 Mentoring and Observations

2 Outcomes Clarify the role of mentor.
Discuss and review the documentation related to mentor and PSET observations.

3 But first..Let’s play…ROOM 101
Watch the video and recall something useless you learned at school. Take 5 minutes to decide what you would like to put into Room 101 (can be anything) In groups, decide which idea on your table has the best chance of going into Room 101. Also think of a team name.

4 Who’s up first? Wheel decide…

5 Mentor Greek Mythology -
When Odysseus left for the Trojan War he placed Mentor (his friend and trusted advisor) in charge of his son. A wise and trusted adviser or teacher.

6 What is your definition?
As a table. Broadly agree a definition of mentoring What do you want your mentor to do? Make a list.

7 So…What is Mentoring?- Official view
The following definition is given by the DfE: “Mentoring is a structured, sustained process for supporting professional learners through significant career transitions”

8 Another definition… "Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be." Eric Parsloe, The Oxford School of Coaching & Mentoring

9 And another definition…
“ Mentoring is advising, teaching, counseling and role modeling. Formal mentoring matches a senior or more experienced person—the mentor—to a junior or less experienced person—the mentee…It is a relationship that changes over time as each grows, learns, and gains experiences in the relationship.” Brainard, S.G. (1998) Mentors and Mentees

10 And a more philosophical one..
“ Mentors are guides. They lead us along the journey of our lives. We trust them because they have been there before. They embody our hopes, cast light on the way ahead, interpret arcane signs, warn us of lurking dangers, and point out unexpected delights along the way…” Laurent A Daloz

11 Your Mentor Considering your definitions and the ones given.
Which one best matches your view of a mentor? What can you do to help form the relationship you need?

12 Mentor Meetings As part of your PPD portfolio you will need to keep a record of mentor meetings. Why?

13 Why observe? Seen as the best opportunity to assist someone to jump across a gap (or a gulf in some cases) between their present performance and what is desired

14 PSET OBSERVATIONS Trainees need 8 observation reports for the course
4 by tutors from PSET 4 by the mentor NB Your mentor and link tutor will be at your first observation. Why? Reason for 1 done by organisation is if they have a contractual obligation to have an observation

15 Observation Guidelines
Supportive/ developmental Agree time/date- balance through year (no good bunched!) Has to be a class of at least 6 learners with a ‘taught’ element Can be in a workshop but shouldn’t be solely a workshop! 1 hour Complete the form

16 Forms In pairs Have a look through the form and note …
What A, B, C and D relate to Any competence you feel confident about fulfilling Any competence you do not feel confident about or will find hard to evidence

17 3 Examples How can you… 1. “Encourage learners to reflect on their learning and its wider applications” (learning and teaching) 2. “Enable learners to take responsibility for their own learning so they can work independently (learning and teaching) 3. “ use peer and self assessments” (assessment for learning)

18 Before the session Trainees should provide the observer with:
A detailed rationale including: information about specific needs (SEND), purpose and context of the session, links to previous and next lesson, lesson outcomes (why?) and development of literacy and numeracy skills.

19 At the start of session Trainees should provide the observer with:
A session plan and printed materials for the session including any presentation also a scheme of work and assessment or support records where appropriate. Past observations reports and a copy of the action plan.

20 Afterwards The trainee should
complete a written reflection on the observation using any format but drawing on models of reflection. The focus should be on the trainee’s development as a teacher. update the action plan detailing how the trainee intends to develop their practice upload the observation report, reflection and action plan to their e-PPD Portfolio

21 The Teaching file Keep all the paperwork from the observations in a Teaching File The session plans, SOW and other materials from the session Printed versions of the observation reports The ongoing action plan updated for each observation

22 Teaching Skills Audit We can start the process of developing your teaching practice with a self assessment skills audit against the standards. Next week we will complete the form…..

23 Expert Observations We would like you to observe your mentor and other expert practitioners You will be given further training on this. When your placement begins, complete your first one. The form can be found on

24 Summary Observations across the 2 years….
4 PSET + 4 Mentor Expert Lesson plans and materials etc Reflections and action plans Mentor meetings Teaching File and e-PPD portfolio

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