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Counterterrorist Measures taken against Kach/Kahane Chai

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1 Counterterrorist Measures taken against Kach/Kahane Chai
Jordan Whalley-Hill

2 United States FBI surveillance and arrests of JDL members.
Jewish Defense League Irv Rubin/ Earl Krugal King Fahad Mosque Culver City, California Revoked Meir Kahanes citizenship in 1984. Listed on Executive Order in 1995. Labeled an FTO in 1997.

3 Israel Central Elections Committee votes to refuse Kach conformation.
Knesset voted to restrict parliamentary immunity. Israeli Broadcasting Authority banned Kach from airstream. Basic Laws amended to outlaw racial discriminatory groups. 1994 Prevention of Terrorism Ordnance.

4 Non-State Actor El Sayyid Nosair
1990 Assassination in Manhattan, New York City, New York

5 Conclusion Ultimately Successful No legislation passed.
Israel is still a diverse community.

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