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The Well-being of Future Generations Act

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Presentation on theme: "The Well-being of Future Generations Act"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Well-being of Future Generations Act
Relevance to communities and third sector Renew Wales regional event Wednesday 21st September, Swansea

2 Today… The Well-being of Future Generations Act and the change we expect to see Implications for the sector

3 How much do you know about WFG?

4 Well-being goals WHAT we are trying to achieve

5 The goals – what we expect
Public bodies justifying what they have always done – “choosing” the goals that are in their comfort zone Looking at each goal in isolation Using different frames to think about the goals as a set Thinking about how a decision / service can contribute to as many of the goals as possible (Maximising contribution) Using the five ways of working to deal with perceived conflicts between the goals

6 Implications for the sector
Map the different ways that you are contributing to the well-being goals, and how much of this activity is ‘visible’ and reported on. How could you do things differently to contribute to more of the goals? If a lot of your activity is not visible, how could you make it more visible?

7 Five ways of working HOW you need to change
Involvement Prevention Long term Integration Collaboration

8 Involvement One size fits all consultations The most vocal people in a community Understand the diversity of the people you serve and what this means for their services Opportunity of digitisation Management of assets

9 Long term Issues that only relate to short term risks (3 – 5 years ahead) Reluctance due to uncertainty about future trends Shift to thinking about long term needs and long term well-being Evidence of thinking about long term roles of services

10 Prevention What investment could support prevention
Decisions only react to problems (don’t consider causes of problems) Governance structures are a barrier to innovative (e.g. preventative approaches) What investment could support prevention Collaboration and sharing resources across sectors to address shared problems

11 Integration Governance structures that enable integration
Silo working Looking at impacts separately and at different times Governance structures that enable integration Integrated approach to impact assessments Integrated reporting

12 Collaboration Understanding the roles of other organisations
Lack of consideration of shared challenges Different parts of an organisation working against one another Understanding the roles of other organisations Opportunities to jointly involve people

13 How do you involve ‘representative’ people and communities?
Implications for the sector Long term Have you thought about future trends? Challenge of short term funding and planning Prevention Does your work help to prevent problems from occurring or getting worse? Involvement How do you involve ‘representative’ people and communities? Integration How does your work deliver across economic, social, environmental and cultural well- being? Collaboration Are there new opportunities to collaborate across organisations and sectors?

14 Duties on Public Services Boards
Establishment of Public Service Boards Assessments of Local Well-being (by March 2017) Local Well-being Plan (by March 2018)

15 Implications for the sector
Invited participants on Public Services Boards: “at least one body representing relevant voluntary organisations (whether or not the body is known as a County Voluntary Council” Assessments of Local Well-being: Qualitative data Community involvement

16 Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
“…a guardian of the ability of future generations to meet their needs…” Term of seven years. Independent of government Balance of support and challenge functions.

17 Roles and responsibilities
Support Advice / assistance to public bodies Advice / assistance to PSBs in relation to Well-being Plan Encourage best practice and collaboration Undertake research Future Generations Report once every five years Challenge Can review how a public body is meeting well-being objectives


19 Contact us Cathy Madge Head of Engagement and Partnerships
Office of the Future Generations Commissioner @futuregencymru

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