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Responsible Relationships Its Your Choice. Teen Relationships are Important Teenagers form their own identity during these years. Interest in dating and.

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Presentation on theme: "Responsible Relationships Its Your Choice. Teen Relationships are Important Teenagers form their own identity during these years. Interest in dating and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsible Relationships Its Your Choice

2 Teen Relationships are Important Teenagers form their own identity during these years. Interest in dating and serious relationships usually increase during teen years

3 What are some reasons for dating? Get to know each other Dating someone might lead to friendships Exploration of characteristics a teen would like in a future spouse.

4 What are some benefits of dating? Allows you to find out what different types of people are like Lets you find out whom you relate to.

5 Benefits of Dating Cont. Learn how to resolve disagreements and communicate more effectively Provide emotional support

6 Problems of Dating Sexual activity Abuse Harassment Stalking

7 Path of a Healthy Relationship Initial Attraction Friendship Close Friendship Deep Friendship Lifelong Love

8 Looking for the Right Person Quality of a persons character Treat others well Respectful Fun Similar morals and values

9 Avoiding the Wrong Person Doesnt respect you Makes you feel bad about yourself Jealousy Possessive people

10 Appropriate Dating Behavior Find activities that the both of you might like Dont be someone who decides what to do always Focus on getting to know your date Dont be shallow on the person you choose to date.

11 Appropriate Dating Behavior Cont Dating in groups. Act appropriate at all times Follow the rules of the parents Dont be pressured into anything you dont want to do

12 Ending Relationships Try to take emotional energy and think of ways to be happy Recovering from a breakup will take time If you feel really depressed for more than a week seek an adult.

13 Final Thought Relationships are about the ability to relate with another person. Healthy relationships have three important aspects: honesty, direct communication, and negotiation.

14 QUIZ What are three things you would look for in a person when it comes to dating? What are three things you would dislike about a person in dating? What are some of your personal pep-peeves about people when going on a date?

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