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4.5 Basic Sine/Cosine Graphs

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1 4.5 Basic Sine/Cosine Graphs
Worksheet on Graphing Sine and Cosine #1-5,   4.5   Warning Do Not Graph until #31:  p. 306 #5-17 odd, 19-22, 25, 26, 31-38, 43, 45, 49, 51, 57

2 1. Vertical shift: up 4 Horizontal shift: right 20° Period: 360° 9 =40° Increments: 40° 4 =10° Amplitude: 3 =3 (30°,7) (20°,4) (60°,4) (40°,4) (50°,1)

3 2. Vertical shift: down 2 Horizontal shift: right 40° Period: 360° 3 =120° Increments: 120° 4 =30° Amplitude: 5 =5 (70°,3) (40°,−2) (160°,−2) (100°,−2) (130°,−7)

4 (−10°,5) (15°,5) 3. Vertical shift: down 2 Horizontal shift: left 10° Period: 360° 12 =30° Increments: 30° 4 =7.5° Amplitude: 3 =3 (12.5°,2) (−2.5°,2) (5°,−1)

5 4. Flipped over the 𝑥-axis Vertical shift: up 2 Horizontal shift: left 30° Period: 360° 1 =360° Increments: 360° 4 =90° Amplitude: −3 =3 (240°,5) (150°,2) (−30°,2) (330°,5) (60°,−1)

6 5. Flipped over the 𝑥-axis Vertical shift: down 5 Horizontal shift: right 90° Period: 360° 2 =180° Increments: 180° 4 =45° Amplitude: −2 =3 (180°,−3) (225°,−5) (135°,−5) (90°,−7) (270°,−7)













19 4.6 Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions
4.6 tan/cot p. 317 degrees for #16 & 18, radians for 15, 17, 27, 31 4.6 sec/csc p. 317 degrees for #20 & 24, radians for 23, 25, 34 WS graphing other 4 trig functions #1-12

20 (45°) (𝑥=−22.5°,𝑥=22.5°) −45° 45° = 360° 360°



23 360° (𝑥=−90°,𝑥=90°) −60° 60° (90°) (𝑥=−22.5°,𝑥=22.5°) −15° 15°



26 1. Vertical shift: down 4 Horizontal shift: right 40° Period: 180° 3 =60° Increments: 60° 2 =30° Amplitude: none (−50°,−4) (40°,−4)

27 2. Vertical shift: none Horizontal shift: right 80° Period: 180° 2 =90° Increments: 90° 2 =45° Amplitude: none (−10°,0) (80°,0)

28 3. Vertical shift: up 4 Horizontal shift: right 30° Period: 180° 3 =60° Increments: 60° 2 =30° Amplitude: none (0°,4) (60°,4)

29 4. Vertical shift: up 2 Horizontal shift: left 30° Period: 180° 1 =180° Increments: 180° 2 =90° Amplitude: none (60°,2) (240°,2)

30 5. Vertical shift: up 25 Horizontal shift: right 10° Period: 360° 36 =10° Increments: 10° 4 =2.5° Amplitude: 10 =10 (10°,35) (20°,35) (12.5°,25) (17.5°,25) (15°,15)

31 6. Vertical shift: up 5 Horizontal shift: right 30° Period: 360° 3 =120° Increments: 120° 4 =30° Amplitude: −2 =2 (30°,5) (90°,5) (150°,5) (120°,7) (60°,3)

32 7. Vertical shift: down 3 Horizontal shift: left 2 Period: 2𝜋 𝜋 4 =8 𝑟𝑎𝑑 Increments: 8 4 =2 Amplitude: 6 =6 (0,3) (−2,−3) (2,−3) (6,−3) (4,−9)

33 8. Vertical shift: up 2 Horizontal shift: right 1 Period: 2𝜋 𝜋 4 =8 𝑟𝑎𝑑 Increments: 8 4 =2 Amplitude: 3 =3 (9,5) (1,5) (3,2) (7,−3) (5,−1)

34 9. Vertical shift: down 3 Horizontal shift: left 𝜋 4 Period: 𝜋 1 =𝜋 Increments: 𝜋 2 Amplitude: 1 =1
( 5𝜋 4 ,−3) ( 𝜋 4 ,−3)

35 10. Vertical shift: up 5 Horizontal shift: right 𝜋 6 Period: 2𝜋 4 = 𝜋 2 Increments: 𝜋/2 4 = 𝜋 8 Amplitude: 3 =3 ( 7𝜋 24 ,8) ( 2𝜋 3 ,5) ( 𝜋 6 ,5) ( 5𝜋 12 ,5) ( 13𝜋 24 ,2)

36 11. Vertical shift: up 4 Horizontal shift: right 𝜋 Period: 2𝜋 2 =𝜋 Increments: 𝜋 4 Amplitude: −4 =4
( 3𝜋 2 ,8) ( 7𝜋 4 ,4) ( 5𝜋 4 ,4) (𝜋,0) (2𝜋,0)

37 9. Vertical shift: down 7 Horizontal shift: right 𝜋 6 Period: 𝜋 2 Increments: 𝜋/2 2 = 𝜋 4 Amplitude: 1 =1 ( 11𝜋 12 ,−7) ( 5𝜋 12 ,−7)

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