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Exploring Cultures Unit 6 Week 1 Days 3-4.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Cultures Unit 6 Week 1 Days 3-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Cultures Unit 6 Week 1 Days 3-4

2 Question of the Week: How can stories from the past influence our imaginations?

3 lance long, wooden spear with a sharp iron or steel head

4 misfortune bad luck

5 quests expeditions by knights in search of something

6 renewed made like new again; refreshed, restored

7 renowned famous, well-known

8 resound to echo

9 squire young attendant to a knight

10 Author’s Purpose Authors have a purpose for writing
To persuade To inform To express To entertain Authors often have many purposes Authors don’t usually state their reasons directly Readers have to infer the purpose

11 Greek and Latin Roots Root Meaning Word Word Meaning ques to ask
question cogn to know cognitive vict to conquer victimize

12 Modifiers Fill in the blank with an appropriate modifier:
The ________________ armor belonged to his grandfather. The knight rode toward the ______________ giants. Don Quixote laughs with ________________. Sancho _______________ believes his master’s words.

13 Bud, Not Buddy Chapters 12-13 Mr. Lewis’s telegram Labor unions
Grand Rapids Herman’s reaction

14 Independent Work: Finish vocabulary/modifiers practice
Due tomorrow Finish 6.1 Spelling Menu Read Bud, Not Buddy Ch. 14 (pg ) Due Monday Missing assignments? Read choice novel

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