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Lesson 1 Digital Footprint.

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1 Lesson 1 Digital Footprint

2 Objectives Define digital footprint Determine what a digital asset is
Distinguish between digital footprint and digital asset Assess the importance of what a person posts online

3 Digital Footprint Discussion tips: Have students share their definition of digital footprint before revealing. Discuss how important it is to be careful what we add to our digital footprints. Have students discuss what types of entities consider information found in the digital footprint. (i.e., jobs, college admissions, etc…) Have students think of/share examples where they or someone they knew has something embarrassing or regretful in their digital footprint. Digital Footprint – All of the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally. Once information is added to a digital footprint, it may remain there forever.

4 Digital Asset Digital asset – textual content, images, and multimedia that the creator must have the right to use. Discussion tips: Have student give examples of digital assets. Make sure to include s, social media profiles, and other assets they may not think to add. Digital asset – textual content, images, and multimedia that the creator must have the right to use. Digital assets are what create a digital footprint.

5 Who would you hire? Candidate #1 Candidate #2 Company profile:
Here are two candidates for a job you are responsible for filling. Both candidates have great resumes and interviewed well. Based on the information on the following slides, whose digital footprint would be helpful and whose would be hurtful? Company profile: New tech-based company looking for fresh talent with bold, innovative ideas. Candidate #1 Candidate #2 Discussion tips: Have students make a selection and discuss why that candidate is the better choice.

6 Candidate #1

7 Candidate #2

8 Who would you hire? Candidate #1 Candidate #2 Company profile:
Based on the information on the previous slides, whose digital footprint was most helpful and whose was most hurtful? Company profile: New tech-based company looking for fresh talent with bold, innovative ideas. Candidate #1 Candidate #2 Discussion tips: Have students make a selection and discuss why that candidate is the better choice.

9 Summary Define digital footprint Determine what a digital asset is
Distinguish between digital footprint and digital asset Assess the importance of what a person posts online

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