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Early English Settlements

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1 Early English Settlements
Chapter 3, Section 1

2 Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh – tried to establish colony on Roanoke Island (off NC coast) 1585; tried again 1587

3 Lost Colony of Roanoke Cont’d
John White returned to England to get more supplies When he got back, found the colony deserted.

4 Jamestown Settlement By 1606, several groups sought charters (the right to organize a colony) from King James I

5 Jamestown Settlement Cont’d – The Virginia Company
Received a charter Dec – sent settlers; landed in Chesapeake Bay and sailed up river to est. Jamestown (named for the king) Faced many hardships; many did not live through the first winter

6 Jamestown

7 Jamestown Cont’d – John Smith
Strong leader Explored the area, got corn from Native Amer. in the area Returned to England in 1609; in his absence, the colony struggled Winter : “the starving time”

8 Jamestown Cont’d – John Rolfe
Learned to grow tobacco; wealth from it helped colony Relations with N.Amer. also improved when Rolfe married Pocahontas (chief’s daughter)

9 Jamestown Cont’d – Representative Government
Each town in colony sent 2 reps (called burgesses) to an assembly (House of Burgesses) Met for first time July 30, 1619

10 Coming to America Over the next 100 years, many came to settle in America for many different reasons Most were volunteers but some were: Criminals/prisoners of war - worked 7 years to gain release Slaves - brought by traders, forced labor Indentured servants - worked for free in exchange for passage

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