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MPO Public Involvement Efforts During 2009
Presented to the: LCB on December 9, 2009 TAC on January 25, 2010 CAC on January 25, 2010 CMS/ITS on January 27, 2010 PAC on January 29, 2010 MPO Board on February 12, 2010 by MPO Staff
2009 MPO Public Involvement
In the 2008 FHWA and FTA Certification Report, the MPO was informed that while making strides in their public involvement efforts, there was room for improvement. The agencies made the following recommendation: The MPO staff begin to use the “measures of effectiveness” portion of the plan. The measures have been established, they just have not been put in to practice as it relates to documenting how effective the current public involvement efforts are. On June 13th 2008, the MPO Board approved the UPDATED Public Involvement / Participation Plan. The PIP supports and encourages public involvement in the planning process. The PIP is designed to ensure opportunities for the public to express its views on transportation issues and to become active participants in the decision making process. During Certification, FHWA suggested the MPO Staff USE the measures of effectiveness that are part of the PIP. Therefore, FHWA suggested that once a year, the MPO develop a chart with all the performance measures and how each item scored. This chart should then be shared with the MPO’s board for their consideration. The board members will then know if their areas are being adequately represented in committee meetings 2
2009 MPO Public Involvement
In order to comply with the recommendations of FHWA and FTA, MPO staff has reviewed the existing performance measures and assembled the results in this power point. This is the second year of data collection and committee presentations. The results will also be presented in a report form to the MPO Board. The current PIP GOALS focus on evaluating the current Public Involvement Tools. Last year, 2008 was the 1st year the MPO staff evaluated the goals, therefore 2008 was used as a benchmark for this evaluation. The following are some of the accomplishments of the MPO during 2009. 3
Public Involvement Tool - Attendance at Community Events
Participated in the International Walk to School Day Participated in several activities related to the Jolley Bridge on Marco Island Attended Immokalee CRA Meetings Attended FDOT Alligator Alley Meetings Attended the 17th Annual TD Technology and Training Conference Attended the Wilson Blvd. Ext. Public Meeting Attended the Vanderbilt Beach Road Public Meeting Attended the CAT Transfer Station Neighborhood Information Meeting Attended Several Model Coordination and Task force Meetings One of the PIP Goals is to Develop Community Knowledge. The method to achieve this goal is to attend community events. The PERFORMANCE GOAL is to increase the number of community events attended each year. In 2008 MPO staff attended 16 community events. The GOAL for 2009 is to attend more than 16 events. The MPO attended 15. THE GOAL WAS NOT MET. 4
Public Involvement Tool – Host Informational or Committee Workshops
2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Workshop with Lee County PAC Workshop related to: The Comprehensive Pathways Plan The Pathways Box Funds LCB Special Meeting related to: Approval of the Amended 2008 TDSP in January of 2009 CMS/ITS Special Meeting related to: The CMS Box Funds The Performance Goal is to have 3% – 5% of the affected population of the study or related activity attend. These particular meetings were focused on committee attendees, therefore the lack of public attendance was expected. 5
Public Involvement Tool – Speaking Engagements, CAT and CTST Activities
Environmental Agencies Eastern Collier County Chamber of Commerce Smart Growth Coalition The Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce Joint NAACP and Golden Gate Civic Association Naples Pathway Coalition Attended CAT Operations Meetings Attended 9 CTST Meetings Performed Action Item Site Review Meeting and Tour Attended the Traffic and Bicycle Safety Training at Vineyards Park Participated in Intl. Walk to School Day These meetings are held at the request of sponsor groups. MPO staff was requested to attend 6 meetings of citizen committees and associations to provide information regarding the LRTP. The GOAL for 2010 is to attend all meetings requested. MPO staff also became more involved in the Community Traffic Safety Team CTST has an Action Item list and once a year committee members go out on a site visit to make sure the items are correctly removed from the list. We also preformed Road Safety Audits and attended the Traffic and Bicycle Safety Training so that the MPO would be able to use the CTST Bike Trailer for a Bike Rodeo. 6
Distribution of Information
GOALS The goal for Legal Advertisements is to legally advertise any meeting as required by Florida Statute. The goal for Press Releases is to have a minimum of 50 per year. There is no direct goal for Media Coverage – but the MPO is tracking the data and it will be reviewed for benchmarking purposes 2009 In 2009 the MPO was required and placed all 15 Legal Ads. In 2008 the MPO was required and placed 14 Legal Ads. In 2009 the MPO drafted and submitted 88 Press Releases. In 2008 the MPO drafted and submitted 67 Press Releases. In 2009 the MPO Board or MPO Staff was the focus or was quoted in 25 newspaper articles and one feature on the Lee Pitts Live Show. In 2008 the MPO Board was the focus of 22 newspaper articles. Here are some of the TOOLS and GOALS related to the Distribution of Information: In 2009 the MPO was required and placed all 15 Legal Ads. In 2008 the MPO was required and placed 14 Legal Ads. In 2009 the MPO drafted and submitted 88 Press Releases. In 2008 the MPO drafted and submitted 67 Press Releases. In 2009 the MPO Board or MPO Staff was the focus or was quoted in 25 newspaper articles and one feature on the Lee Pitts Live Show. In 2008 the MPO Board was the focus of 22 newspaper articles. MPO staff was interviewed for one FOX news story and one Collier County Government Channel news story in The MPO is encouraged by the amount of Media Coverage we have received. Media Coverage contributes to our goal of keeping the public informed of our activities. 7
Distribution of Information (Continued)
2009 The MPO conducted one Mass Mailing relating to the MPO newsletter. The MPO is continually working to meet the goal of an under 2% return rate. The MPO produced two Newsletter mailings in The MPO also published one project newsletter. The LRTP newsletter was 1st published in October 2009 and is currently in it’s 2nd printing. The MPO submitted 5 Projects / Reports Available for Public Review. GOALS The goal for mass mailings is to have a 2% return rate. The goal for published newsletters is two per year. The goal for public review of documents is to have them available at municipal buildings and libraries. The MPO conducted ONE Mass Mailing. The goal for published newsletters is two per year. and ONE PROJECT SPECIFIC NEWSLETTER FOR THE LRTP. 1,000 copies of the LRTP newsletter have already been distributed. There was a less than 2% return rate for the newsletter mailings. The MPO submitted 4 Projects / Reports Available for Public Review at municipal buildings and libraries (including the TDP, TDSP, UPWP, TIP and the LEP). While the documents were available, the MPO did not receive any public comment regarding any of the projects. There is no specific goal for this action; however, MPO staff will attempt to work on this again for 2010. 8
Distribution of Information (Continued)
GOAL The goal is to host MPO orientations for new members and gain positive feedback from the participants afterward. The goal for web site statistics is to have a 5% increase in web site hits over the previous quarter. The goal is to use of the MPO Logo. 2009 MPO staff hosted three orientations (for one TAC member, a CMS/ITS member and a PAC member). Staff received no negative feedback. The MPO met this goal for the 1st quarter of calendar year 2009, however did not meet the goal in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th. The number of hits increased from 2008 to 2009 by over 11.3%. The MPO makes every attempt to place the logo on all products, publications and materials for all MPO sponsored activities. The goal is to host MPO orientations for new members and gain positive feedback from the participants afterward. MPO staff hosted 3 orientations (for one TAC member, a CMS/ITS member and a PAC member). Staff received no negative feedback. The goal for web site statistics is to have a 5% increase over the previous quarter. The MPO met this goal for the first quarter, however did not meet the goal in the second, third or fourth quarter. HOWEVER, the overall increase from 2008 to 2009 was over 8.84%. MPO staff will continue to monitor these statistics and see if there are trends regarding the seasons or months where the hits tend to increase. Use of the MPO Logo. The MPO makes every attempt to place the logo on all products, publications and materials for all MPO sponsored activities. 9
Public Involvement Tool - MPO Website
The MPO Website includes all major MPO documents, such as: Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Public Participation Plan (PPP), Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Uniform Planning Work Program (UPWP), And many other reports which may be downloaded directly from the site. Agendas, executive summaries, item attachments and minutes of the MPO and its Committees may be accessed through this site. There are many hotlinks to other projects and agencies including: Joint Collier / Lee MPO web page and LRTP web page. The MPO receives many of its public inquiries from visitors to these sites. As a result of the web site the MPO informs the public of upcoming activities. The public also uses the web site to contact the staff. Comments and questions are then distributed to the appropriate department(s) and/or project manager(s) for their direct response back to the citizens. 10
Website Statistics (Hits)
GOAL – 5% increase over the previous quarter – We met this goal for the 1st quarter but did not meet it in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th quarter. We will look to compare monthly and annual trends as well as quarterly trends. EXAMPLE – In we anticipate May having a lot of web site hits because many documents were sent for public review during that time – the UPWP, TIP, and Freight Study. In 2009 there may have been a lot of hits in the 1st quarter because of the Economic Stimulus Documents available on our site. We understand that these are offseason months and will continue to add to the statistics so that we can look at monthly and quarterly trends and if necessary modify that goal so it is attainable. 11
Website Statistics (Hits) By Quarter
These are the web hits by quarter.
Website Statistics (Hits) By Year
These are the web hits by year did increase over 2008 – please note the December 2009 data has not been added.
Committee Member Attendance
One of the recommendations by the federal review team during certification was attendance at committee meetings. The following slides are charts of each MPO committee and the representation / attendance at each meeting. This is meant for informational purposes to demonstrate what areas of the MPO are being adequately represented in committee meetings. FHWA recommended that the MPO specifically monitor the CAC attendance. Staff wanted to update the MPO Board on attendance at all committees. 14
CAC Attendance This is the RAW data by meeting. Please note the Attendance for 2008 and 2009 is tracked at the right. Please note YELLOW represents the # of VACANCIES – Disabilities, Dist. 4 and the City of Naples. NOTE: The CAC members who held 1 of the At Large positions resigned after attending 80% of the meetings. That position was filled at the December 2009 MPO meeting. District 4 has been vacant since Dexter Groose left the committee in 2007. EVERGLADES CITY WAS filled in September 2009. 1 City of Naples and Persons with Disabilities seats have been vacant for SEVERAL mid-2005. PREVIOUSLY the CAC was able to attain a quorum only 80% of the time – 2009 it increased to 86% - we see this as an improvement. NOTE: 14 meetings this year! 15
TAC Attendance The TAC attained a QUORUM 100% of the time in 2009 and 2008. Staff is working to fill this vacancy. NOTE: 14 meetings this year 16
PAC Attendance 17 PAC attendance has increased from 82% to 92%.
NOTE: 12 meetings this year! 17
CMS/ITS Attendance 18 CMS/ITS had 100% attendance in 2008 and 2009.
NOTE 5 meetings this year 18
LCB Attendance Attendance in 2008 was 200% but in 2009 decreased to 75%. NOTE 4 meetings and 1 special meeting this year. 19
MPO Attendance 20 This is the raw data by meeting date.
NOTE – a quorum was attained at 100% of the meetings in both 2009 and 2008. We also note that the location of the Feb. Special meeting was in Naples. NOTE 13 meetings this year 20
Goals Continue filling out evaluation forms for every public involvement initiative Annually compile the Public Participation Evaluation forms and provide a summary of the data to the MPO Board Update the PPP at least every 3 years to incorporate the improvement strategies resulting from the public involvement evaluations and the discussion of overall PPP evaluation with the MPO. 21
Thank you! Questions? Comments? 22
Allow for Members to add comments and suggestions on ways to improve or ways to analyze the data. 22
Committee Members Attendance
A quorum was attained at all MPO Board meetings. Purple represents # of meetings the member attended Yellow represents # of meetings the member was absent LIGHT GREEN represents the # of meetings the member was not on the board (not elected / or appointed to hold the MPO seat) The % of meetings attended is based on the # of meetings they were members of the MPO Board. EXAMPLE Councilwoman Sulick will only be a member of the MPO for 9 meetings in 2008 not 10, therefore her % is out of 9 meetings. 23
Committee Members Attendance
A quorum was attained at 80% of the meetings. 24
Committee Members Attendance
Quorum always attained – 100% of the time. 25
Committee Member Attendance
Quorum attained 50% of the time. Please note the December 9th meeting data has not been included yet. 26
Committee Members Attendance
Quorum attained 82% of the time. 27
Committee Members Attendance
Quorum attained by CMS/ITS = 100% 28
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