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Be ready to answer the following question…

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Presentation on theme: "Be ready to answer the following question…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Be ready to answer the following question…
Welcome! To Day #3 Be ready to answer the following question… Tell the person next to you what your favorite animal is! What is one question do you still have?

2 What did the tree say to the math teacher? “Gee, I’m a tree”
Corny Joke of the Day What did the tree say to the math teacher? “Gee, I’m a tree”

3 What are the 4 levels of discipline?

4 You may use an actual picture or draw a picture of yourself!
Einstein of the Month You may use an actual picture or draw a picture of yourself! This is due FRIDAY

5 Need Help? Tutoring will be held on Tuesdays & Wednesdays 8:15. If you need help on other days, just let me know  Please tape this pass in your agenda!

6 Ms. Evan’s Classroom rules
Bathroom breaks My desk Homework grades While you were gone binder Pencil sharpening Ms. Evan’s biggest pet peeves Late work Study Guides Website Morning help Discipline Hand in baskets

7 Interactive notebooks

8 Have you ever heard yourself say .
I can't find my . . . notes, homework, old quizzes . . . I can't remember what we did in class yesterday. I'm sure its in . . . my locker . . . my book bag . . . my room . . . I was absent last week, did I miss anything?

9 What Is an Interactive Notebook
A interactive notebook (ISN) your own personalized DIARY of learning about science A portfolio of your work in ONE convenient spot. This is great for studying for upcoming quizzes & test A great ORGANIZATIONAL tool that gives you permission to be PLAYFUL AND CREATIVE in your responses without "messing up" your notes. Allows you to be like a REAL SCIENTIST! Science Notebook

10 Real Scientist Use Notebooks

11 Real Scientist Use Notebooks

12 Setting up our binders Grab 1 binder and your tab dividers
Is your name written inside it? We will keep everything in it (except for our big projects) I will keep one too 

13 Place paper behind each section
Science Sections 4 Tab Dividers Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Place paper behind each section

14 5th Tab Divider Vocabulary

15 Data and Scientific method
Unit 1 Always stay the same each quarter Label title as: Data and Scientific method

16 So, What Will Earth Science Be Like?!?!

17 What Words do you think we will NOT cover
Soil Composition Oceans Carbon Cycle crystals Dinosaurs Photosynthesis Igneous Currents Mantle Thunderstorms Acid rain Biology

18 The "real" name for this class should be "Earth and Space" Science

19 Let’s take a quick look at each!
There are four big parts to our year! Oceanography Meteorology Geology Let’s take a quick look at each! Astronomy

20 We will begin the year with Geology!

21 Some topics include… Minerals Rocks Earth’s Structure Geologic Time
Fossils Volcanoes Earthquakes Soil Profile Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition Continental Drift Plate Tectonics Energy Resources Ecology

22 Rocks and minerals Volcanoes

23 Earth’s Structure Wind Energy Plate Tectonics

24 Fossils and prehistoric life! Fossils and prehistoric life!

25 In January, we will move on to Oceanography…

26 Oceanography is the study of the water found on the earth.
Sometimes it is called Hydrology. Hydro- means “water” And -ology means “the study of.”

27 Some topics include… Water Distribution Ocean Topography Salinity
Hydrologic Cycle River System Pollution Conservation Ocean Topography Salinity Waves Currents Tides

28 Ocean water waves on the ocean The ocean floor

29 River Systems Currents

30 Meteorology This is the study of the air and our weather.
Next we will look at Meteorology This is the study of the air and our weather.

31 Wind Patterns Air Masses Weather Maps Severe Weather Climate
Some topics include Atmosphere Weather Factors Instruments Fronts Clouds Wind Patterns Air Masses Weather Maps Severe Weather Climate


33 We will discover why these things happen. Tornadoes Hurricanes We will discover why these things happen. Thunderstorms

34 At the end of the year, we will study Astronomy

35 Astronomy is the study of our solar system and everything found outside it!
That's a lot of stuff!

36 Objects in the Solar System

37 Objects outside the Solar System
( Galaxies Nebula Stars

38 So hang on for the best year of science ever !!!!

39 Place in front of your binder!
Earth Science Syllabus Place in front of your binder!

40 Safety Contract Needs to be Signed and Brought back by Friday!!!!
Place in front of your binder!

41 Spongebob Safety Silently read the Spongebob story
When everyone in your group has read the article talk about the important safety rules that spongebob and his friends broke Write the rules that they broke down on the back of the paper!

42 Project #1 Remember advertisements are short and sweet!
You must make an advertisement on 5 safety rules! Must include: Colorful pictures 5 safety rules Engaging words Remember advertisements are short and sweet!

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