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Ch 7.2 Polarity and VSEPR Theory

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1 Ch 7.2 Polarity and VSEPR Theory

2 Polar Covalent Bond:  electrons are shared unevenly between atoms creating a slightly +/- situation​
Symbol that means “slightly” Oxygen has 8 protons so there is more pull of e- towards Oxygen.

3 Nonpolar Covalent Bond:
Electrons are evenly shared between atoms.  ​

4 How to tell if a bond is Polar, Non-polar, or Ionic?
Electronegativities! Find the difference in electronegativity values. Difference in Electronegativities Non-Polar Covalent 0.4 1.7 Ionic Polar Covalent Note: Only covalent bonds are either polar or non-polar.


6 Learning Check Find the difference in electronegativities, then determine whether it is a polar covalent, non-polar covalent, or an ionic bond. EN values Difference Type of Bond KCl K=0.9 Cl= Ionic H H= Non Polar Covalent H H= O= Polar Covalent NaCl Na= Cl= Ionic PH P= 2.0 H= Non Polar Covalent

7 VSEPR Theory Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory -Electron pairs in a compound will repel each other to achieve the most stable “shape.” ***We are NOT MEMORIZING the shapes for this class. Only the CONCEPT of VSEPR theory.

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